
Multiphoton MicroscopeDiv Cardiovascular & Diabetes ResearchMultiphoton Room
Flim Add-on for Zeiss 710 MicroscopeSchool of MedicineMultiphoton Room
TruFade Xenon Arc Light Fastness Tester
Mask Aligner SystemSchool of Physics and AstronomyRapid Prototyping
Mask Aligner System
Mask Aligner System
Bench Top Mouse Sized CameraRadioactive Laboratory
Evos FL Auto
Evos FL AutoWet Lab
Pre-Clinical Multimodality Imaging SysteImaging Suite
Pre-Clinical Multimodality Imaging SysteImaging Suite
Evos FL AutoLaboratory research
Spectroscopic EllipsometerBio Physics (Bio-Nano)
Gel Imager
Evos FL Auto
Ventana iScan HT with 3TB StorageMicrobiology Laboratory
Eye Tracking System (Smart Eye)Institute for Transport StudiesDriving Simulator Area
High Speed Camera (FASTCAM MINI)School of Chemical & Process EngineeringLaboratory Furnaces
Optical Motion Tracking SystemSchool of ComputingVR Delivery
Contactless Measurement SystemStore Room
Contactless Measurement SystemSchool of Civil EngineeringStore Room
Dynamic Structural Monitoring SystemGeorge Earle Laboratory Heavy Structures
Optical Tracking SuiteSchool of Mechanical EngineeringStrength Of Materials Lab
Multi Spectral Camera 1School of Civil EngineeringOffice Professor
Multi Spectral Camera 2School of Civil EngineeringOffice Professor
High Speed Camera SystemLaboratory Rig area
Cryo-Light MicroscopeEM Cellular Prep
Cryo-Light Microscope
3D MicroscopeSurgical Lab /Healthcare Lab (Robotics@L
Zoom Stereo-MicroscopeResearch Laboratory
High Speed Camera SystemLaboratory Rig area
High Speed Camera SystemLaboratory Rig area
High Speed Camera SystemLaboratory Rig area
High Speed Camera SystemLaboratory Rig area
High Speed Camera SystemLaboratory Rig area
Inverted Light-MicroscopeU/G Teaching Instrumentation Lab
uoTHZ Research Lab Pollard Institute
Eye Tracking SystemSeating Area
D-FLOX V.2.1
Total Appearance Capture SystemLab
Dynamic FBG InterrogatorSurgical Lab /Healthcare Lab (Robotics@L
ReflectometerMetrology Lab (Bragg Centre)
Endodontic MicroscopePhantom Head Laboratory - Lab 1 and 2
UV-Vis spectrometer
UV-Vis spectrometerResearch Laboratory
Endodontic Microscope
Endodontic Microscope
Fibre Optic InterrogatorMaterials Laboratory
Space Layer Imaging SystemTribology
high speed cameraResearch Laboratory
Optical TensiometerResearch Laboratory
Spectrograph and CameraLaser Laboratory
Droplet PCR Analyser
Eyetracking SystemXLab (AI and VR Lab)
Image Intensifier ModuleThermodynamics Lab
Motion Capture SystemTissue Engineering Lab
Superconducting bolometer and cryocoolerTHZ Research Lab Pollard Institute
3-Section Optical TableNano MBE Laboratory