Mass Spectrometry

Mass Spec (TOF)School of ChemistryComputer Area (Dainton Lab)
HORIBA Mexa 4000MS Mass SpectrometerEnergy Research InstituteTeaching Laboratory
Mini Lab Mass SpecEnergy Research InstituteLaboratory Research
HPLC (Prep, UV & MS Detection, Waters)School of ChemistryLaboratory Analytical
Mass Spec (GC,TOF,4D Pegasus 111)School of Chemistry
Saturn 2000 GC/MS & 8400 autosamplerSchool of Food Science & NutritionFood Chemistry Laboratory
Quadropole mass spectrometerSchool of Civil EngineeringMaterials Laboratory
Saturn 2000 GC/MS & 8400 autosamplerSchool of Food Science & NutritionFood Chemistry Laboratory
Mass SpectrometerSchool of Earth and EnvironmentMass Spectrometer - Julius Cohen
Laser system - Aligent ICPMSSchool of Earth and EnvironmentLab ICP-Mass Spectrometer
Mass Spec (VG Quadrupole SXP-Elite)School of ChemistryWrite-up Area
Base Mini SIMSSchool of Mechanical EngineeringLab 3
Ion Mobility time of flight mass specSchool of Molecular and Cellular BiologyLaboratory Mass Spec
Mass SpectrometerSchool of Biomedical SciencesOffice
Orthogonal TOF LCT Mass SpectrometerSchool of Molecular and Cellular BiologyMass Spectroscopy
Quadrupole Mass SpectrometerEnergy Research InstituteAnalytical Laboratory 1
Mass Spec (LC,ESI, IonTrap, Bruker-HCT)School of ChemistryLaboratory Analytical
GC-MSEnergy Research InstituteAnalytical Laboratory 2
ICP-MSEnergy Research InstituteAnalytical Laboratory 2
Ion Mobility time of flight mass specSchool of Molecular and Cellular BiologyLaboratory Mass Spec
Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer SystemInst of Cancer & Pathology (LICAP)
Varian 320-MS GC/MSEnergy Research InstituteSpecial Projects & Fuel Laboratory 1
Mass SpectrometerSchool of Earth and EnvironmentMass Spectrometer - Julius Cohen
GC-MSEnergy Research InstituteAnalytical Laboratory 2
HPLC (Prep, UV & MS Detection, Agilent)School of ChemistryLaboratory Analytical
Mass Spec (Quadrupole)School of ChemistryLaser Laboratory
Mass Spec (Time-of-Flight)School of ChemistryLaser Laboratory
Mass Spec (EI/CI,TOF, Waters-GCT)School of ChemistryLaser Laboratory
Single Quadrupole LCMSSchool of Food Science & NutritionResearch Lab
GC-MSSchool of Earth and EnvironmentMass Spectrometer - Julius Cohen
Mass Spec (LC, ESI, Q-TOF, Bruker)School of ChemistryChemistry Stores
Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass SpecSchool of Earth and Environment
Synapt G2 Si System inc HDX manualSchool of Molecular and Cellular BiologyLaboratory Mass Spec
Xevo Q-Tof And M Class 2D uplc SystemSchool of Molecular and Cellular BiologyLaboratory Mass Spec
Triple Quadrupole Mass SpectrometerSchool of Food Science & NutritionBiochemistry
Mass SpectrometerResearch Laboratory (iPRD)
Compact/Mini Second Ion Mass SpectrometeSchool of Mechanical EngineeringBiotribocorrosion+Raman Spectroscopy
Liquid Chromatography Mass SpectrometerLaboratory Analytical
Compact Mass SpectrometerSchool of DesignAnalytical Lab
Q Exactive plus machineLaboratory Mass Spec
Stable Isotope Mass Spectrometer
Ind Acid Injection Cold Finger Prep Syst
Compact Mass SpectrometerResearch Laboratory
IMS TOF Mass SpectrometerMass Spectroscopy
gas chromatograph mass spectrometerResearch Laboratory (iPRD)
Mass spectrometerLaboratory Mass Spec
High resolution mass spectrometer 1 of 2Mass Spectrometry Laboratory
High resolution mass spectrometer 2 of 2Mass Spectrometry Laboratory
HPLC-MSLaboratory Mass Spec
MicroNIR Wireless SpectrometerSchool of Food Science & NutritionPhysical Measurement Laboratory