
Thin Film Deposition SystemSchool of Physics and AstronomyFurniture Store - Alex Lilley til Feb 20
Auto 306 High Vac EvaporatorMolecular & Nanoscale PhysicsRapid Prototyping
Vacuum experimentation systemSchool of Electronic & Electrical EngNanoTechnology Laboratory No.2
Thermal Metal EvaporatorSchool of Electronic & Electrical EngDeposition (Bragg Centre)
Edwards EvaporatorSchool of Electronic & Electrical EngNanoTechnology Laboratory No.2
Edwards EvaporatorSchool of Electronic & Electrical EngNanoTechnology Laboratory No.2
Thin Film Deposition SystemSchool of ChemistryInstrument Lab
Buchi RotavaporFood Technology Lab
Thin Film Deposition SystemRapid Prototyping
CNC MachineMetrology Lab (Bragg Centre)
PVD SystemMetrology Lab (Bragg Centre)