Equipment totals by Organisation

School of Chemistry132
School of Physics and Astronomy54
School of Food Science & Nutrition40
School of Molecular and Cellular Biology79
School of Biomedical Sciences59
School of Biology10
Inst Cardiovasc & Metabolic Med (LICAMM)30
Energy Research Institute43
Inst for Particle Science & Engineering46
Institute for Materials Research32
School of Civil Engineering34
School of Mechanical Engineering130
School of Computing7
School of Electronic & Electrical Eng79
Inst of Cancer & Pathology (LICAP)64
Condensed Matter6
Soft Matter Physics3
Molecular & Nanoscale Physics10
School of Design28
School of Earth and Environment99
National Centre for Atmos Science (NCAS)22
School of Geography20
School of Music19
Performance and Cultural Industries1
School of Psychology3
Faculty Services Engineering5
Institute for Transport Studies9
Theoretical Physics1
Leeds Inst of Medical Research (LIMR)10
Leeds Institute of Medical Education8
School of Healthcare2
Oncology & Cancer Research - Labs2
School of Medicine8
School of Chemical & Process Engineering55
Oral Biology3
FBS SBMS Technicians2
Ophthalmology & Neuroscience2
Div Cardiovascular & Diabetes Research6
School of Dentistry4
Division of Epidemiology & Biostatistics1
Inst of Rheum & Musculoskel Med (LIRMM)1
Division of Medical Physics1
Pathology & Tumour Biology2
Inst of Medical & Biological Engineering1
Faculty of Biological Sciences1
St James Campus Infrastruct & Fac (SCIF)1
Leeds Inst for Data Analytics (LIDA)1
School of Media and Communication1
School of Languages Cultures & Societies1
AHC Faculty Office1
School of Mathematics1
Discovery & Translational Science Dept1
LICAMM Small/Major Research Facilities4