Stuart Warriner


Telephone: 0113-34-36437

IR Spec (FT-IR, Perkin Elmer)Laboratory Analytical
HPLC (Prep, Gilson)Laboratory Analytical
HPLC (Semi-Prep, Dionex)Laboratory Analytical
Spectrophotometer 900V/VIS/NIRLaboratory Analytical
HPLC (Prep, UV & MS Detection, Waters)Laboratory Analytical
Air Quality Monitoring (Lantern Project)Laser Suite
NOxy analyser: Automated InstrumentExam Desk/Chair store
Robotic Liquid Handling SystemLaboratory Analytical
Plate Reader (Perkin Elmer Envision)Laboratory Analytical
Compound Storage FacilityLaboratory Analytical
Mass Spec (LC,ESI, IonTrap, Bruker-HCT)Laboratory Analytical
Capillary Electrophoresis SystemAnalytical Laboratory
Ultimate 3000 Nano LC systemMass Spectrometry Laboratory
HPLC (Prep, UV & MS Detection, Agilent)Laboratory Analytical
HPLC (Analytical, Agilent 1290)Laboratory Analytical
HPLC (Analytical, Agilent 1290)Laboratory Analytical
Mass Spec (EI/CI,TOF, Waters-GCT)Laser Laboratory
Mass Spec (LC, ESI, Q-TOF, Bruker)Chemistry Stores
Preparative HPLCLaboratory Analytical
Plate ReaderLaboratory Analytical
Liquid Chromatography Mass SpectrometerLaboratory Analytical
Infrared Frequency CombLaser Laboratory
Liquid Handling RobotLaboratory Analytical
High Pressure Liquid ChromatographU/G Teaching Laboratory (Porter Lab)
NMR spectrometer systemLaboratory NMR
NMR cyroprobe systemLaboratory NMR
Centrifugal extractorMass Spectrometry Laboratory
High resolution mass spectrometer 1 of 2Mass Spectrometry Laboratory
High resolution mass spectrometer 2 of 2Mass Spectrometry Laboratory
Atomated Fash HPLC SystemCold Room