Simon Connell


Telephone: 0113-34-38241

Nanoscope IV Spm Control StationNanoprobe Lab - move once Helium Recover
Mobile S AFMEmpty Lab
Mobile S AFMEmpty Lab
Mobile S AFMLevel 3+ Teaching Lab
Nanoscope IIIa SPM Control Station - M2Jerry Lee asked MMT for usage as flat
Explorer SPMEmpty Lab
Nanoscope - M1AFM (Bragg Centre)
Nanoscope Control Station - M1Jerry Lee asked MMT for usage as flat
Force Scope F1Jerry Lee asked MMT for usage as flat
Nanoscope IIIa SPM Control Station - M3Jerry Lee asked MMT for usage as flat
Nanoscope IV SPM Control Station - M4AFM (Bragg Centre)
MultiMode AFM Microscope - M2AFM (Bragg Centre)
Nanoscope NS4-01 SPM Control StationTo be cleared - AFM Lab 2 / Surface Forc
Asylum Research MFP - 3D AFMEmpty - lab space
Asylum Research MFP- 3D AFMTo be cleared - AFM Lab 2 / Surface Forc
Atomic Force MicroscopeAFM (Bragg Centre)