Edmund Woodhouse

Email: e.woodhouse@leeds.ac.uk

Telephone: 0113-34-32387

Gas AnalyserEngine Laboratory
Cone CalorimeterCombustion & Future Fuels Lab 2
Transient DynamoEngine Laboratory
Gas Analysis MachineCombustion & Future Fuels Laboratory
NANOMANIPULATORResearch Laboratory
Dms Fast Response Particle SizerEngine Laboratory
GC-MSResearch Laboratory
HPLC System with photo diode arrayLaboratory
Picosecond thermometry spectrometerLaser Laboratory
Mastersizer 2000Research Laboratory
SpraytecResearch Laboratory
Continuum Surelite LaserLaser Laboratory
Varian 320-MS GC/MSSpecial Projects & Fuel Laboratory 1
Nano Indentor SystemResearch Laboratory
Analyser to measure CO2, O2 & SulphurResearch Laboratory
Horiba VA-3113 CO2 AnalyserResearch Laboratory
FTIR AnalyserEngine Laboratory
Continuum Surelite LaserLaser Laboratory
Dynamic Vapour SorptionResearch Laboratory
High Speed CameraComputational Simulation Laboratory