School of Biomedical Sciences

Fermenter Bioflo3000Laboratory Microbial GrowthFermentology
5 & 10 L Bio Console/Reactor Animal CellLaboratory ResearchFermentology
30 L Fermenter Vessel and ControllersLaboratoryFermentology
30 L Fermenter Vessel and ControllersStoreFermentology
Centrifuge Continuous Flow ThroughLaboratory ResearchHigh Speed
Computer Controlled CrystalisationLaboratory X-Ray crystallographyCrystallisation
Centrifuge Ultracentrifuge PreparativeLaboratory CentrifugeUltracentrifuges
Real-Time Pcr SystemLaboratory researchPCR
Multiple Excitation Dual Emission PhotomSeminar roomFluorescence (Optical Microscopy)
MicrotomeLaboratory biomed in vivo roomMicrotome
Confocal SystemLaboratory researchConfocal
Fermentor 150 LLaboratoryFermentology
AKTA Explorer 100 AirLaboratory ResearchChromatography
Scintillation Counter LuminescenceLaboratory ResearchScintillation Counters
Thermal Activity MonitorLaboratoryThermal
Patch Clamp AmplifierLaboratory researchCells
Patch Clamp PlatformLaboratory researchCells
Camera CCD Imaging SystemLaboratory LaserLive Cell
Microscope EclipseTE2000E confocal/TIRFLaboratory dark roomLive Cell
Ultrasound System Sono Heart EliteLaboratory researchUltrasound (Acoustic)
Mass SpectrometerOfficeMass Spectrometry
Camera Motion Capture SystemSeminar RoomWhole Body
Neurolucida SystemLaboratory biomed in vivo roomFluorescence (Optical Microscopy)
Cell Imaging System (microscope)General LaboratoryIn Vivo Fluorescence
Fermentor (3 x 1L pots)Laboratory ResearchFermentology
Robotic Liquid Handling SystemLaboratory equipmentRobot
Akta Chromatography SystemLaboratory Cold RoomChromatography
Control Unit Confocal System Swept-FieldLaboratory dark roomConfocal
Electrophysiological SystemLaboratory researchLive Cell
Camera CCD Imaging SystemLaboratory researchLive Cell
Centrifuge Avanti J-26XPOffice academicHigh Speed
FlexstationFluorescent Readers
PROTEIN CHROMATOGRAPHY SYSTEM B995Laboratory ResearchChromatography
Single station 2 axis loading frameLaboratory researchOrthopedic Wear
CELL DISRUPTERLaboratory Microbial GrowthCell Disruptor
Complete saw, grinding & prep systemLaboratory ResearchSawing
IncuCyte Live Cell ImagerCell CultureLive Cell
Pressure MyographGeneral LaboratoryTissues
Revolution Imaging SystemLaboratory researchLive Cell, Confocal
Advanced Thermal Stimulator, PATHWAYStoreTissues
Camera System, Qualisys Oqus 13 Laboratory Teaching 2 (4B)High Speed Video
Cardiopulmonary Exercise Training UnitLaboratory researchWhole Body
GLOVE BOX (MB-Labmaster SP)Lab 1 (Bioincubator)Glove Box
Kinematic SystemLaboratory researchHigh Speed Video
Multi Mode Inverted MicroscopeLaboratory researchFluoresence (Spectroscopy)
Transporter Protein MeasurementLab 1 (Bioincubator)Cells
Cardiopulmonary Exercise Training UnitLaboratory researchWhole Body
SEC MallsLaboratory ResearchSample Manipulation (Genus)
Rock Imager 1000 4CPIXC research facility lab spaceMacromolecular
Rock Imagers 1000PIXC research facility lab spaceMacromolecular
NT8 robotPIXC research facility lab spaceMacromolecular
LCP FRAPLaboratory X-Ray crystallographyMacromolecular
Transcranial Equipment Laboratory Teaching 3 (4C)Tissues
Flex StationLaboratory researchFluorescent Readers
Flex StationLaboratory researchFluorescent Readers
Cardiac Ultrasound SystemLaboratory researchUltrasound (Imaging)
Cryo-TEm grid Sample Freezing apparatusFreezing RoomMicromanipulation
Body Composition ScannerLaboratory iDXA ScannerWhole Body
EMG System Laboratory Teaching 3 (4C)Whole Body