10000001 | Microscope - confocal & computer |
10000096 | Spectrofluorometer System |
10000104 | Laser (Spectron) |
10000105 | Laser (Excimer, Questek, Model 2520Vb) |
10000137 | Anaerobic Box |
10000151 | Mastersizer 2000 and Hydro 2000G |
10000155 | Spectrometer, System 2000 |
10000178 | Ion Chromatography System |
10000184 | Capiliary Electrophoresis (Dionex Ces 1) |
10000185 | Capiliary Electrophoresis (Dionex Ces 5) |
10000188 | Capillary Electrophoresis System |
10000207 | Xenotest Alpha Lm Light Fastness Tester |
10000209 | Mathis Horizontal/vertical Padder |
10000210 | Multi-Angle Spectrophotometer |
10000216 | Balance (Mettler) |
10000221 | Sub-Micron Coulter Delsa 440 |
10000278 | Maran Nmr Spectrometer |
10000325 | Laser (Turnable Multi KHz System) |
10000334 | Water Sorption Analyser - Gravimetric |
10000418 | IR Spec (FT-IR, Perkin Elmer) |
10000523 | IR Spec (Turnable Mid-IR Spectrometer) |
10000543 | Laser (Lambda Phys-Excimer) |
10000544 | Laser (Lambda Phys-Excimer+Keyboard(2)) |
10000549 | Mass Spec (TOF) |
10000575 | Nanoscope IV Spm Control Station |
10002010 | FPLC System |
10002360 | SX17 Rapid Reaction Spectrophotometer |
10002930 | Lamp Microscope |
10002978 | Fermenter Bioflo3000 |
10003450 | Microvolume Stopped-flow Spectrometer |
10003533 | FTIR Spectrometer |
10003542 | Detector Laser Light Scattering |
10003816 | HPLC System |
10003819 | Monochromator Imaging System |
10003948 | Openlab Imaging System |
10004265 | Plate Reader Polarstargalaxy Robot |
10004307 | HPLC System |
10004326 | AKTA Purifier - 100 System |
10004469 | HPLC System |
10004556 | AKTA FPLC chromatography system |
10004581 | Microcalorimeter |
10004582 | Microcalorimeter |
10004750 | Biacore SPR |
10004890 | Vision Chromatography System |
10004916 | Photodiode Array HPLC |
10004940 | Plate Reader Microplate |
10004951 | Photodiode Array HPLC |
10004959 | HPLC System Robot |
10004966 | Analytical ultracentrifuge |
10004984 | Zeiss LSM510 META confocal (upright) |
10005005 | Stopped Flow Fluorimeter |
10005013 | 5 & 10 L Bio Console/Reactor Animal Cell |
10005019 | 30 L Fermenter Vessel and Controllers |
10005020 | 30 L Fermenter Vessel and Controllers |
10005023 | Centrifuge Continuous Flow Through |
10005084 | Computer Controlled Crystalisation |
10005111 | CD Digital Microscope Camera |
10005147 | Centrifuge Ultracentrifuge Preparative |
10005149 | Centrifuge Ultracentrifuge Preparative |
10005152 | Centrifuge Ultracentrifuge Preparative |
10005180 | Centrifuge Ultracentrifuge Preparative |
10005193 | Phosphorimager Fluorescent Image Analyze |
10005225 | Axiovert 135TV |
10005236 | Vision Chromatography System |
10005294 | Genetic Analyser |
10010603 | Laser (Topas White-IR-SH ) |
10011803 | Real-Time Pcr System |
10011806 | Multiple Excitation Dual Emission Photom |
10011828 | Microtome |
10012050 | Confocal System |
10012159 | Microscope System |
10012407 | Roller Incubator |
10012641 | Thin Film Deposition System |
10012692 | UV-3101 Spec System |
10012712 | Laser (Non-Collinear Pumped OPA System) |
10017035 | HPLC System |
10019575 | Electrostatic Classifier |
10019577 | MDT-905 System & TEOM |
10019578 | MDT-905 System & TEOM |
10019600 | Gas Analyser |
10019601 | HORIBA Mexa 4000MS Mass Spectrometer |
10019602 | Cone Calorimeter |
10019612 | Fast Response Gas Analyser |
10019614 | Transient Dynamo |
10019703 | Mechanical Tester |
10019961 | Automatic Gas Adsorption |
10020006 | Spectrometer |
10020020 | 20 Litre Reactor |
10020035 | AutoMate Parrallel Reactors |
10020071 | NIR Spectrometer |
10020074 | Spectrometer |
10020095 | CPD120 Curved detector with electronics |
10020100 | New Microsource Generator |
10020150 | Mastersizer 2000 and Hydro 2000G |
10020382 | Gatan Dual Ion Mill |
10020385 | Ion Polishing System |
10020412 | Dynamic Mechanical Analyser |
10020524 | EDX System |
10020531 | Elemental Analyser |
10020569 | Plasma Cleaner |
10020575 | Environmental Cell |
10020586 | LEO 1530 FEG Scanning Electron Microsope |
10020596 | Mini Lab Mass Spec |
10020605 | Gas Analysis Machine |
10020644 | Gas Chromatograph / Tandem Mass Spectrom |
10020693 | Zetaprobe |
10020705 | Saturn Digisizer 5200 |
10020711 | Pycnometer Density Measurement |
10020712 | Accupyc Density Measurement |
10020750 | Prism Coupler |
10020754 | Fluorimeter |
10020775 | Ultrasizer MSV |
10020777 | Old Microsource Generator |
10020849 | Translation Unit |
10020851 | Turbiscan Lab Expert |
10020855 | Zetasizer Nano ZS |
10020867 | Crystal Growth Furnace |
10020868 | Continuum FTIR Microscope System |
10020908 | Single tilt heating holder Analytical |
10020909 | FTIR Microscope Analytical |
10020999 | Picoforce Controller |
10021000 | Nanoscope IV & AFM |
10021015 | Beckman Coulter Multisizer 3 |
10021018 | Zetasizer Nano ZS |
10021051 | Dazzler Modulator |
10021092 | Ion beam miller |
10021237 | STA 780 |
10021261 | Polisher |
10021266 | Topographical Microscope |
10021909 | Tri-Pin 1 |
10021959 | Nd-Yag Laser |
10022428 | Tri-Pin 2 |
10022643 | Kodak Motioncorder Analyser, c/w Camera |
10022783 | EHI Optical Interferometer, PC S/n 1013 |
10023288 | Dantec BSA F70 |
10023606 | Polytec Laser Doppler Vibrometer |
10023695 | Biceri Wear Rig |
10023778 | 2D FlowMaster PIV System |
10023872 | Phantom V9.0 Camera |
10026421 | Intersense 1590 - Tracker Controller |
10027658 | S Parameter Test Set |
10027659 | S Parameter Test Set |
10028710 | Synthesized Signal Generator |
10028720 | HP. Spectrum Analyser,asal1500a, |
10028731 | Cascade Base Station,summit 9600, |
10029788 | Spectrum Analyser |
10029980 | Femtosource Laser |
10029981 | Millennia Xs Laser |
10030559 | Incubator Gallenkamp |
10031283 | PCR System - Abi Prism |
10031649 | FISH System software |
10031711 | Microscope |
10035201 | Microscope - confocal |
10035204 | Microscope - confocal |
10035271 | Radio Telemetry System |
10036027 | Laser Scanner 3030R/MRC |
10036327 | HPLC (Prep, Gilson) |
10036329 | Size Exclusion Chrom (Optokem DAWN) |
10036331 | HPLC (Semi-Prep, Dionex) |
10036332 | Spectrophotometer 900V/VIS/NIR |
10036333 | HPLC (Prep, UV & MS Detection, Waters) |
10036335 | Nexus 870 Mainframe Computer |
10036336 | Spectrofluorometer |
10036337 | Laser (DS20-532) |
10036339 | NMR (500MHz, Bruker Avance) |
10036340 | NMR (500MHz, Bruker Avance 3 Channel) |
10036344 | Portable Laboratory |
10036345 | Portable Laboratory |
10036346 | Chemspeed Workstation |
10036347 | Chemspeed Workstation |
10036348 | CO Monitor (AL5002F, Air Ultra Fast) |
10036349 | NOx Analyser (CLD 88 ylp Fast Response) |
10036350 | NMR Console (serves Varian Inova) |
10036352 | Air Quality Monitoring (Lantern Project) |
10036353 | Mass Spec (GC,TOF,4D Pegasus 111) |
10036354 | Laser (Millennia VS Diode Pump) |
10036359 | Laser (Millennia VisP-J) |
10038330 | Epicentre 100 Stage |
10038335 | Mobile S AFM |
10038336 | Mobile S AFM |
10038337 | Mobile S AFM |
10038534 | inVia Raman Microscope |
10038537 | Phantom Premium |
10038652 | Turnkey Electron Beam Lithography System |
10038678 | Microscope - Imaging Platform Quips XL |
10038874 | Gemini Rheometer |
10038976 | Terabyte Disk Array |
10039161 | Beowulf Cluster |
10039311 | Centrifuge (Ultra) Optima MAX Bench-top |
10039334 | Saturn 2000 GC/MS & 8400 autosampler |
10039402 | Nanoscope IIIa SPM Control Station - M2 |
10040776 | Quadropole mass spectrometer |
10048517 | Upgrade E-Gun |
10048519 | Dynamic Stress Rheometer |
10048520 | Renishaw 2000 Raman Microscope |
10048521 | Explorer SPM |
10048522 | Nanoscope - M1 |
10048525 | Nanoscope Control Station - M1 |
10048561 | XIOS X-Ray Camera |
10048562 | X-Ray Camera Siemans |
10048563 | Raman Imaging Microscope |
10048564 | Labmaster 130 Single Filter Glove Box |
10048565 | Wide Angle X-Ray System |
10048596 | Digital Oscilloscope |
10048597 | Instron Tensile Tester |
10048599 | Force Scope F1 |
10048600 | Maglab 9T Vibrating Sample Magnetometer |
10048601 | UV Raman Microscope |
10048602 | Rheometer |
10048605 | Dual FS/PS Laser System |
10048606 | Nanoscope IIIa SPM Control Station - M3 |
10048607 | Nanoscope IV SPM Control Station - M4 |
10048609 | Cryomagnetic Sample Environment System |
10048612 | Auto 306 High Vac Evaporator |
10048614 | IR Spec (FT-IR) |
10048615 | MultiMode AFM Microscope - M2 |
10048619 | LaChrom diode array detector |
10048620 | Brewster Angle Microscope |
10048621 | Mastersizer 2000 and Ultrasizer |
10048624 | Rheometer |
10048625 | Spectral confocal & multiphoton system |
10048626 | Saturn 2000 GC/MS & 8400 autosampler |
10048629 | Escalab250 system inc electron gun |
10048631 | DV887DCS-BV CCD Camera |
10048633 | Nanoscope NS4-01 SPM Control Station |
10048639 | Laser (Minex Excimer) |
10048651 | Laser (Powerlite 8010) |
10048661 | NMR (400MHz, Bruker Avance) |
10048671 | Gel Permeation Chromatograph (GPC) |
10048674 | Mastersizer 2000 |
10048692 | Hybridization Station Automated- TCan |
10049906 | HIRAC Chamber |
10050943 | Micro Nanomate HD Autosampler |
10051390 | Photron Fastcam Ultima C/w Control PC |
10051391 | Nanofactory System |
10052112 | Colour Spectrophotometer System |
10052735 | Fully Automatic Flat Knitting Machine |
10052805 | Aerosol Mass Spectrometer |
10052809 | Aircraft CO analyser |
10052810 | Electrostatic Classifier - TSI 3071A |
10052811 | 1.2 litre SS flasks (50 off) |
10052812 | Aerosol Spectrometer - PCASP-X |
10052813 | TSI 302501 u-CPC |
10052815 | ASAXPX |
10052816 | Cloud Probe - FSSP-100 |
10052820 | SODAR 1 |
10052821 | SODAR 2 |
10052822 | SODAR 3 |
10053043 | Microscopy System (Time-Lapse) |
10053637 | Microscope - inverted Nikon TE2000E |
10055488 | Portable Spectroradiometer |
10055700 | Particle size analyser |
10055788 | Windsor CNS Analyser |
10055882 | Rheometer |
10055883 | Pump control system |
10055884 | Thermal Imaging Camera |
10055886 | Elemental Analyser |
10055887 | Lapping machine |
10055902 | Mass Spectrometer |
10055946 | Ion Chromatograph |
10055963 | Laser system - Aligent ICPMS |
10055969 | Seismograph |
10056238 | Roadside Particulate Monitoring System |
10056311 | Dms Fast Response Particle Sizer |
10056631 | Genetic Analyser |
10056708 | Centrifuge Refrigerated Floor Standing |
10057270 | Microscope - Fluorescent |
10057333 | Microscope - Axio Imager Z1 |
10057335 | 6 Station Hip Sim LEEDS II B |
10058744 | AS-one Furnace |
10058858 | Mars Unit 240/50 |
10058885 | Helium Liquifier Syst 1410 Cold Box |
10058887 | RS Screw Compressor |
10059369 | HPLC |
10059541 | Robot AKTA Explorer System Autosampler |
10059649 | Fermentor 150 L |
10060485 | AKTA Explorer 100 Air |
10060504 | Steinway D Grand Piano |
10060514 | ICam Archive System |
10060537 | Steinway Piano |
10060784 | 4Probe STM |
10061468 | Dimmer Installation |
10061676 | Mass Spec (VG Quadrupole SXP-Elite) |
10061715 | Laser (Physik COMPex 1025 Excimer) |
10061716 | Laser (Physik COMPex 1025 Excimer) |
10061736 | Laser (Sirah Cobra Stretch Dye) |
10061738 | UHV Chamber for Low Temp Surface Science |
10061740 | Spex 1870 Spectrometer |
10061741 | Laser (Questek Excimer) |
10061757 | Spectograph and CCD Detector (1) |
10061758 | IR Spec (FT-IR) |
10061760 | Differential Optical Adsorption Spec |
10061761 | Spectograph and CCD Detector (2) |
10061763 | Spectograph and CCD Detector (3) |
10061823 | EEG system 250 |
10061875 | Ultracentrifuge |
10061880 | Fluor Imager Data Analyzer Body |
10062118 | Scintillation Counter Luminescence |
10063379 | Microscope Fluorescence System |
10063977 | Cryostat System mF-ADFR System |
10063989 | NMR Spectrometer |
10064234 | Gel Permeation Chromatograph (GPC) |
10064235 | Light Scattering Photometer |
10064245 | SynAmps2 128 EEG/ERP amplifier |
10064491 | Fanuc Robodrill T21ID |
10064496 | Laser (Surelite II) |
10064498 | NMR (500MHz, Varian Inova) |
10064507 | KJLC Luminos Spluttering System |
10064509 | NOxy analyser: Automated Instrument |
10064545 | FTIR Spectrometer and PMA 37 Module |
10064623 | Hydraulic system |
10064674 | Leeds Advanced Driving Simulator |
10064694 | Vehicle Emmisions Testing System |
10064739 | ISCO Pump System |
10064740 | Hydraulic Flume |
10064970 | Hardinge Talent CNC Lathe 8/52 |
10064984 | Rheology Probe |
10064989 | GC-MS |
10064992 | Flow Cytometer |
10065027 | Vertex Fourier Transform Infrared Spectr |
10065044 | Base Mini SIMS |
10065045 | Nano Indentor System |
10065046 | Micro PIV System |
10065148 | Spinning Disc Reactor System |
10067293 | I-Scan - Laser Diagnostic Tool |
10069046 | Spectrum Video System - K23000233 |
10069239 | Microwave Synthesizer |
10069240 | Centrifuge |
10069241 | Q Sense E4 |
10070056 | Asylum Research MFP - 3D AFM |
10070259 | Thermal Activity Monitor |
10070441 | Profilometer |
10070928 | Savant SPD131DDA SpeedVac Concentrator |
10071369 | Patch Clamp Amplifier |
10071371 | Patch Clamp Platform |
10071551 | Frequency Comb |
10071552 | Beat Detection Unit |
10071553 | Robotic Liquid Handling System |
10071579 | Femtosecond Amplifier System |
10071581 | Laser (Sirah Cobra Stretch Dye) |
10071583 | Plate Reader (Perkin Elmer Envision) |
10071661 | Camera System LAS3000 |
10071703 | Camera CCD Imaging System |
10071823 | Ultra Sound Imaging Equipment |
10072215 | GC-MS |
10073944 | Ion Mobility time of flight mass spec |
10074147 | Microscope EclipseTE2000E confocal/TIRF |
10074158 | Spectrophotometer Aquarius Model |
10074166 | Vacuum Furnace |
10074239 | Particle Detection System |
10075359 | AKTA Protein Purification System |
10075360 | Cell Distruptor |
10075361 | Electro Chemical HPLC System |
10075368 | Cooled Shaker Incubator X 2 |
10075744 | Centrifuge |
10075745 | Pulse Decay Permeameter |
10075746 | Sedi Equipment |
10075777 | Ultrasound System Sono Heart Elite |
10075778 | Mass Spectrometer |
10075779 | Camera Motion Capture System |
10075788 | Vacuum experimentation system |
10075790 | Bioscope microscope |
10075792 | Fanuc Wire cut machine |
10075793 | Robodrill T21IEL |
10075795 | HPLC System with photo diode array |
10075819 | Nanotom (Micro CT scanning system) |
10075829 | Biacore SPR |
10075833 | Microwave Vector Network Analyser |
10075841 | Femtosecond Laser Micromachining System |
10075842 | Dual Beam Pulsed Laser Deposition System |
10075845 | Network Analyser |
10075846 | Picosecond thermometry spectrometer |
10075895 | Spine Simulator A |
10075940 | Fluorolog FL3-22 TAU System |
10075999 | Plant Growth Rooms |
10076000 | 4D Cell Imaging System |
10076015 | Dimension 3100 Nanoscope AFM |
10076016 | Olympus FV1000 System |
10076018 | Molecular Beam Epitaxy System |
10076039 | Dornier Rapier Weaving Machine |
10076065 | Orthogonal TOF LCT Mass Spectrometer |
10076068 | Analytical ultracentrifuge |
10076069 | Neurolucida System |
10076086 | Cell Imaging System (microscope) |
10076763 | Fermentor (3 x 1L pots) |
10076779 | Inverted Microscope |
10076780 | Inverted Microscope |
10077013 | Form Talysurf Measurement System |
10077383 | Alpha Step IQ Surface Profiler |
10077384 | Millennia XS and Tsunami |
10077391 | Data Acq system/RHEED Control |
10077396 | Thermal Metal Evaporator |
10077407 | Lasertec S400A & 14mm Probe |
10077411 | Dilute ambient analysis system (Caravan) |
10077466 | IVIS Spectrum |
10077509 | Mastersizer 2000 |
10077599 | Atomic force microscope system |
10077788 | Rheometer |
10077863 | Mask Aligner |
10077866 | Mask Aligner |
10077879 | Scanning Probe Microscope |
10077882 | Mask Aligner |
10077889 | Edwards Evaporator |
10077890 | Edwards Evaporator |
10077960 | Wedge Bonder |
10078035 | Electron Microscope |
10078053 | HPLC System |
10078054 | HPLC System |
10078055 | HPLC System |
10078151 | Ultrasound System - Portable |
10078167 | Robotic Liquid Handling System |
10078758 | Akta Chromatography System |
10078792 | Esaote Extremity MRI |
10079054 | XYZ Air Bearing Stage |
10079535 | Spectra Physics MaiTai |
10079614 | Aurel Screen Printer |
10079809 | Control Unit Confocal System Swept-Field |
10079813 | Farfield Analight Bio 200 |
10079845 | Laser Light-Scattering System |
10079870 | Simultaneous Thermogravimetric Analyser |
10079913 | Liquid Handling Robot |
10080036 | FTIR Spectrometer |
10080043 | Mira 900 Laser |
10080535 | Armfield Distillation Column |
10080555 | Accelerated Solvent Extraction System |
10080787 | Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer |
10081294 | Compound Storage Facility |
10081566 | AKTA FPLC system |
10082212 | Single Station Friction Rig A |
10082224 | Servo Power Amp & Prog Waveform Generato |
10082229 | Accelerated Fatigue Tester No2 |
10082237 | Pin-On-Plate Wear Rig (A) |
10082238 | Pin-On-Plate Wear Rig (B) |
10082239 | Pin-On-Plate Wear Rig (C) |
10082240 | Pin-On-Plate Wear Rig (D) |
10082286 | Gait Analysis System (MX-T40) |
10082511 | Dyno Mill multilab |
10082673 | AWT-655S w/ 6-Axis Capability |
10083852 | GC-AED System |
10084077 | Seismic Recording System |
10084115 | Ettan Spot Picker |
10084453 | Electrophysiological System |
10085212 | Mass Spec (LC,ESI, IonTrap, Bruker-HCT) |
10085313 | Camera CCD Imaging System |
10085315 | FTir Spectrometer |
10085796 | Retinal Camera |
10085798 | UV/VIS Spec (Cary 50, Probe) |
10085802 | Cell Viability Analyzer (VI-Cell XR) |
10085808 | Autoclave System |
10085809 | Autoclave |
10085810 | Biomek 2000 and Accessories |
10085876 | PCR Machine Thermal Cycler Rotor Gene |
10085931 | Multiplex Cytokine Ana'tical Sys-Luminex |
10085932 | Microscope System - Laser Dissection |
10085974 | Instron Materials Testing System |
10085984 | Auto Stepback Wedge Bonder |
10086813 | T-Scan 111 equipment |
10086834 | 1200 Series HPLC system |
10087015 | Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer |
10087169 | Quantachrome Nova 2200 Analyser |
10088063 | REACT-IR 4000 System |
10088065 | Spraytec |
10088093 | Iris Syscal resistivity tomography |
10088096 | Petrophysical NMR Spectometer |
10088183 | Ettan Spot Picker |
10088251 | Physik Instrument Picocube System |
10088324 | DI Water System |
10088348 | GC-MS |
10088349 | ICP-MS |
10088737 | Raman Microscope (inVia) |
10088874 | Dual Channel Surface Plasmon Resonance |
10089066 | Dental Chair CTRU |
10089067 | Dental Chair CTRU |
10089068 | Dental Chair CTRU |
10089072 | Dental Chair CTRU |
10089073 | Dental Chair CTRU |
10089212 | Amsler |
10089213 | Falex M/C - Industry Standard Test Machi |
10089215 | HS Pin & Disc |
10089228 | 4 Ball 2 |
10089230 | Unisteel 1 |
10089231 | Unisteel 2 |
10089232 | LEM 2 |
10089234 | Optically Accessed Engine with Dyno |
10089235 | Optically Accessed Engine - LUPOE1 |
10089240 | Mkii Explosion Vessel Facility |
10089241 | Mki Explosion Vessel Facility |
10089243 | Gas Chromatograph |
10089245 | Large Rapid Compression Machine |
10089248 | HPLC System |
10089259 | High Frequency Friction Machine - Small |
10089267 | High Frequency Friction Machine - Large |
10089315 | Inverse Gas Chromatography System 2 |
10089340 | Nikon Biostation IM |
10089651 | Optical Microscope |
10089660 | Light Cycler |
10089745 | Fastcam SA5 |
10090175 | Laser (Nano TRL50 250 PIV) |
10090203 | Bolometer kit & Polariser |
10090421 | Prosim Pendulum Friction Sim 2 |
10090431 | Simultaneous Thermal Analyser |
10090463 | Continuum Surelite Laser |
10090492 | IR Spec (FT-IR) |
10090493 | Spectrometer - UV/Vis |
10090494 | Atomic Absorption Spectrometer |
10090680 | SEM (Jeol Neoscope JCM-5000) |
10090731 | Water Purification System |
10090823 | Materials Testing System |
10091156 | Thermal Analyser with sample robot |
10091306 | Kinexus Rheometer |
10091547 | Centrifuge Avanti J-26XP |
10091574 | Centrifuge Avanti J-26XP |
10091576 | Ion Mobility time of flight mass spec |
10091580 | 2D Nano HPLC system |
10092018 | Autoclave |
10092032 | Instron Materials Testing System 3366 |
10092206 | Harvey Cardiopulmonary Patient Simulator |
10093056 | Legex 322 CMM |
10093077 | Ultrasound - Viamo, Portable |
10093080 | Flexstation |
10093126 | Capillary Electrophoresis System |
10093177 | Atomic Force Microscope & Mag-LFM |
10093183 | D8 Advance Diffractometer System |
10093308 | Zetasizer Nano ZS |
10093520 | Cryostat System |
10094009 | Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer System |
10094013 | Ultimate 3000 Nano LC system |
10094150 | D8 Discovery Diffractometer system |
10094289 | MRI Scanner - 3 Tesla |
10094739 | Microscope |
10094978 | Laser System + P307 Chiller Unit |
10095045 | Flowsense Camera |
10095067 | Raman Microscope (InVia) |
10095069 | Detector - Quantax 200 EDS system |
10095070 | Microscope - S3400N VP SEM |
10095089 | Crystalline - Multiple Reactor System |
10095090 | Crystal 16 - Multiple Reactor System |
10095092 | Sweated Guarded Hotplate |
10095093 | Textile Inkjet Printer |
10095100 | V06VNA-T/R 110-170 GHz TRANSMISSION |
10095101 | V05VNA-T/R 140-220 GHz TRANSMISSION |
10095103 | V03VNA-T/R 220-325 GHz TRANSMISSION |
10095106 | Geovisinoary 3D Visualisation Suite |
10095107 | Test instrument - E3000 Electrodynamic |
10095130 | Rocket Automated Solvent Evaporator |
10095147 | Varian 320-MS GC/MS |
10095201 | Laser (Femtosecond System-3941-35) |
10095223 | Kinexus Rheometer |
10095254 | Optical Aerosol Probe (OAP) |
10095255 | Active Scattering Aerosol Spectrometer P |
10095256 | Forward Scattering Spectrometer Probe (F |
10095270 | Active Scattering Aerosol Spectrometer P |
10095273 | Forward Scattering Spectrometer Probe (F |
10095274 | Passive Cavity Aerosol Spectrometer Prob |
10095275 | Condensation Particle Counter (CPC) |
10095277 | Electrostatic Classifier |
10095281 | Scanning Mobility Particle Spectrometer |
10095491 | Sputter system |
10095698 | Microscope - Operetta imaging system |
10095732 | Thermal Camera |
10095735 | Electro Capacitive Tomography System |
10095752 | UVP System Box |
10095757 | UVP System Box |
10095777 | PIV laser |
10095792 | Mastersizer 2000E |
10095827 | Stepper motor controller for old T-tank |
10095829 | Armfield S5 Recirculating Flume - renov |
10095830 | Hydrostal Sediment Pump |
10095836 | Open Channel Research Flume |
10095838 | Square Density Current Tank |
10095841 | Long Density Current Tank |
10095844 | ADV System |
10095845 | LDA BSA flow processor upgrades |
10095849 | 100 Hz PIV Laser |
10095863 | PDA Processor Box |
10095864 | PDA Optics |
10095865 | PIV Yachtmast optic |
10095868 | PIV processor |
10095905 | Redlake High Speed Image System |
10095925 | Differential GPS |
10095970 | Resistivity tomography |
10096018 | Ultra Precision Measurement System PGI80 |
10096025 | Gas Chromatograph |
10096335 | Elemental Analyser |
10096445 | X-ray detector and EBSD Camera |
10096471 | HPC |
10096495 | Syringe Pump |
10096533 | Autoclave |
10096557 | X-StreamVision Camera |
10096558 | X-StreamVision Camera |
10096579 | Microscope - Materialographic |
10096580 | Polisher |
10096673 | Ion Chromatograph |
10096679 | Elemental Analyser |
10096680 | Mass Spectrometer |
10096740 | Analyser - Genetic, Biomark MX/HX system |
10096815 | Optotrack Certus Position Sensor |
10096983 | Asylum Research MFP- 3D AFM |
10097191 | CPS Disc Centrifuge |
10097222 | Scanner - Aperio Scan CS100PH1 |
10097223 | Scanner - Aperio Scan CS100PH1 |
10097224 | Scanner - Aperio Scan XT100PH1 |
10097279 | Server - Vicom Mirror Appliance SM4x4-2 |
10097280 | Server - Vicom Mirror Appliance SM4x4-2 |
10097445 | GC-MS |
10097567 | Nano Indentor System |
10097610 | FB750 Flatbed Laser Cutter |
10097611 | LUMisizer Disperation Analyzer |
10097694 | Peptide Synthesiser (microwave assisted) |
10097702 | Fluorescence Spectrometer |
10097705 | NMR (300MHz, Bruker Avance-III) |
10097710 | Porosimeter |
10097788 | Autoclave |
10097790 | Portable Photosynthesis System + Charger |
10097934 | High Speed Laser |
10097972 | Transmission Electron Microscope |
10097973 | Vitrobot grid freezing device |
10097974 | CCD camera |
10098107 | HPLC-IC (Dionex) |
10098265 | QLF-D Research System |
10098267 | Cryomagnetic Sample Measurement System |
10098269 | Optima Max XP Ultracentrifuge |
10098276 | Laser (Continuum Powerlite DLS) |
10098283 | Laser (TFL 3000 Tunable Fibre) |
10098293 | Laser (Sirah Cobra Stretch Dye) |
10098296 | Raman Microscope System |
10098357 | PVD System |
10098379 | Analyzer - Elecsy 2010 |
10098680 | Liquid Handling Platform - Bravo G5409A |
10098789 | Innova 70 Laser |
10098790 | X-Ray Diffractometer |
10098800 | Streamline Pulsed Doppler Lidar |
10098922 | DSC-TGA (Simultaneous) |
10098934 | IR Spec (FT-IR Probe System) |
10098935 | HPLC LC2010 CHT With LC MS 2020 |
10098936 | HPLC (Prep, UV & MS Detection, Agilent) |
10098937 | HPLC (Analytical, Agilent 1290) |
10098938 | HPLC (Analytical, Agilent 1290) |
10099196 | Imaging System - Nuance FX |
10099231 | Imaging Rheometer |
10099233 | Microplate washer/stacker |
10099266 | Analyser to measure CO2, O2 & Sulphur |
10099330 | Pendulum Friction Simulator B |
10099331 | Single station knee simulator 1 |
10099333 | Single station 2 axis loading frame |
10099863 | Instumented Triaxial Cell |
10099864 | Electron Probe MicroAnalyser |
10099871 | Morphologi G3 Particle Image Analyser |
10099934 | Cryotransfer holder with pump |
10099935 | Temperature controller |
10099936 | Temperature controller |
10099937 | Cryotransfer Holder with pump |
10099997 | CELL DISRUPTER |
10100013 | Akta micro |
10100014 | Akta Micro Equipment and Columns |
10100028 | Video EEG machine |
10100102 | Plate Handling Robot |
10100125 | Complete saw, grinding & prep system |
10100134 | Hydrogenation Pressure System |
10100141 | Diode Pumped Nd:YAG Laser (DS 20) |
10100166 | Halo Photonics Doppler LIDAR |
10100219 | TAM Air 8 Channel Calorimeter |
10100223 | Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) |
10100231 | Spotlight 400 FTIR |
10100507 | Laser Capture Microdissection System |
10100526 | 10mhz to 50Ghz Vector Network Analyser |
10100541 | Image Analyser - Columbus 16TB |
10100742 | Quanta 650 Scanning Electron Microscope |
10100872 | IncuCyte Live Cell Imager |
10100943 | Micro CT Scanner |
10100977 | Pressure Myograph |
10100986 | Analytical HPLC |
10101109 | Ultrasound Velocimeter |
10101110 | PIV System |
10101111 | Carl Zeiss EVO MA15 VP-SEM |
10101266 | Microscope - Nikon A1R confocal |
10101267 | Anaerobic Cabinet |
10101317 | Revolution Imaging System |
10101390 | Dicing Saw |
10101526 | DM 6000M Microscope |
10101851 | Media Preparator & Plate Pourer |
10101857 | Network Analyser |
10101919 | Thin Film Deposition System |
10101922 | Impedance Analyser |
10101945 | DSC & TGA Thermal Analyser |
10101957 | Gatan Double Tilt Holder |
10101959 | Gatan Tilt Rotate Cryo Holder |
10101960 | Gatan Cryo Holder |
10102127 | Digital Imaging System |
10102247 | AXS Diffractometer |
10102366 | X-Max 80/INCA to AZTEC upgrade |
10102368 | Sequencing system - MiSeq (Illumina) |
10102396 | Rheometer |
10102493 | Horiba VA-3113 CO2 Analyser |
10103077 | XME (Variable Heating) |
10103344 | HapticMaster – Force measurement device |
10103372 | CNC Router Machine |
10103526 | Radar System |
10103784 | Access Array System - AX loader |
10103823 | Haptic - Virtual Reality Phantom Head |
10103824 | Haptic - Virtual Reality Phantom Head |
10103825 | Haptic - Virtual Reality Phantom Head |
10103826 | Haptic - Virtual Reality Phantom Head |
10103827 | Haptic - Virtual Reality Phantom Head |
10103828 | Haptic - Virtual Reality Phantom Head |
10103829 | Haptic - Virtual Reality Phantom Head |
10103830 | Haptic - Virtual Reality Phantom Head |
10103831 | Haptic - Virtual Reality Phantom Head |
10103832 | Haptic - Virtual Reality Phantom Head |
10103833 | Haptic - Virtual Reality Phantom Head |
10103834 | Haptic - Virtual Reality Phantom Head |
10103835 | Haptic - Virtual Reality Phantom Head |
10103836 | Haptic - Virtual Reality Phantom Head |
10103837 | Haptic - Virtual Reality Phantom Head |
10103838 | Haptic - Virtual Reality Phantom Head |
10104221 | Tensometer, High Capacity, Vibration |
10104222 | Tensometer, Low Capacity, Vibration |
10104347 | ChemiDoc MP imager |
10104348 | ChemiDoc MP imager |
10104349 | ChemiDoc MP imager |
10104350 | Nanospider Electrospinner |
10104389 | Microscope Fluorescence EVOS fl |
10104532 | Electron Beam Lithography System |
10104534 | Single Station Wear Rig 2 |
10104540 | Microscope, Electron, Transmission |
10104542 | Thin Sectioning Saw |
10104566 | High Speed Camera |
10104600 | High Resolution Laser Doppler Imager |
10104657 | Advanced Thermal Stimulator, PATHWAY |
10104743 | Hydrothermal Reactor |
10104752 | Spectrophotometer , UV/Vis/NIR |
10104757 | Camera System, Qualisys Oqus 13 |
10105116 | Lapping and Polishing Machine, PM5C |
10105136 | Spectrometer, Raman, Kaiser |
10105201 | Liquid Chromatography System |
10105424 | Scriber, S100 |
10105430 | Macromolecular Crystallography Rotating |
10105434 | Testing Machine, Fatigue, Dynamic |
10105451 | Fluorescence Microscopy System |
10105452 | Elemental Analyser, High Temperature |
10105489 | Cardiopulmonary Exercise Training Unit |
10105504 | PCR system 480 11 |
10105508 | Glass Dashboard |
10105511 | inVia Raman Microscope |
10105526 | Microscope, Intravital |
10105531 | Multi Monitoring System, Microbiological |
10105537 | Macro-Imaging System |
10105542 | Mask Aligner, EV610 |
10105599 | Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) |
10105606 | Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) |
10105695 | GC-MS |
10105705 | Gas Chromatograph |
10105706 | Autoclave |
10105739 | GPR (mala) |
10105902 | Mass Spec (Quadrupole) |
10105920 | Optical Profiler, NPFLEX 3D |
10105930 | HPLC, SP Analytical |
10105935 | Ti Sapphire Laser System |
10105944 | Laser-Nd:YAG,DS-532-18 |
10105989 | Haptic Accelerator Pedal |
10105993 | Network Analyser |
10106052 | GLOVE BOX (MB-Labmaster SP) |
10106073 | Kinematic System |
10106082 | LI-Corr Infrared imaging system |
10106128 | PCR system |
10106137 | Multi Mode Inverted Microscope |
10106182 | Confocal System, LSM 700 |
10106183 | Confocal Zeiss LSM700 Microscope |
10106267 | Storage Device, SAN 180TB |
10106268 | IRB120 Industrial Robot&IRC5 contoller |
10106284 | Laser LightHUB |
10106337 | 4 Stroke Diesel Engine |
10106338 | 4 Stroke Diesel Engine |
10106958 | Super Pump and Flow Measurement |
10106960 | 6 Station Knee Simulator KS6 |
10107148 | Laser (Continuum Surelite II-10 ND Yag) |
10107149 | High Speed Camera |
10107150 | Laser Surface Profilometer |
10107313 | Phantom Camera |
10107514 | Light Scattering Spectrometer |
10107539 | 3D Terrestrial Laser Scanner |
10107559 | Oxycycler Environmental Chamber |
10107560 | Anaerobic Workstation |
10107563 | Supercritical Fluid Extraction System |
10107570 | Microscope Fluorescence EVOS fl |
10107585 | Transporter Protein Measurement |
10107621 | Impedance Analyser |
10107626 | Mass Spec (Time-of-Flight) |
10107926 | Magneto-Optical Kerr Microscope |
10107932 | Biacore SPR |
10108017 | Dielectric Spectrometer |
10108025 | ChemiDoc MP imager |
10108333 | Ion Chromatograph |
10108365 | FNPT-2 Flight Simulator |
10108371 | Microclima MC1000 |
10108374 | Mass Spec (EI/CI,TOF, Waters-GCT) |
10108375 | Microcal ITC 200 System |
10108413 | Differential Scanning Calorimeter |
10108419 | SEM (FEI, Nova NanoSEM) |
10108427 | Single Quadrupole LCMS |
10108437 | NMR (600MHz, Jeol ECA) |
10108444 | X-Ray Crystallography System |
10108595 | GC-MS |
10108617 | Virtual Tape Library |
10108622 | Real Time PCR System - 96 Well Platform |
10108655 | SARRP |
10108675 | pXRF |
10108698 | Nano HPLC System |
10108731 | Ground Penetrating Radar |
10108742 | SQUID-VSM Magnetometer |
10108747 | 6 Station EM13A Hip Simulator |
10108755 | E/1118 Single Station Hip Sim |
10108850 | Mobile X-ray Fluoresence Analyser |
10108859 | 6 Station EM13B Hip Simulator |
10108863 | Mass Spec (LC, ESI, Q-TOF, Bruker) |
10108881 | WSI RHEED System |
10108967 | IP-Star Compact Automated System |
10109019 | Kinetic Imaging System- Inucyte |
10109057 | Spectrometer - UV/VIS |
10109058 | VT SPM |
10109060 | Nikon Eclipse 90i |
10109061 | Ellipsometer - Variable Angle |
10109062 | Ellipsometer - Fixed Angle |
10109221 | Elemental Analyser (Elementar) |
10109616 | Thermal Imaging Camera, High Speed |
10109840 | High Capacity Thermal Cycler |
10109842 | X-Ray Diffractometer Spectometer |
10109857 | Biomedical Cyrostat |
10109862 | Cardiopulmonary Exercise Training Unit |
10110032 | Ultrasound System |
10110143 | HAADF STEM Detector |
10110150 | Surface Plasmon Resonance System(SensiQ) |
10110250 | Live Cell Inverted Microscope |
10110307 | Microscale Thermophoresis Instrument |
10110338 | Ultrasound System |
10110339 | Electromyography System |
10110341 | Cryogen Free Magnet System |
10110392 | High Speed (FACS) Cell Sorter |
10110415 | Inverted Fluorescence Microscope |
10110433 | Opto-digital Microscope |
10110436 | LED Fluorescence microscope |
10110454 | High-resolution Micro-CT Scanner |
10110455 | Scanning Electron Microscope |
10110559 | High Speed Centrifuge |
10110926 | Droplet Digital PCR System |
10110977 | Preparative Chromatography System |
10110991 | Excimer Laser |
10111122 | Fluoresence Upright Microscope |
10111135 | Benchtop X Ray Diffractometer |
10111195 | Virtual Reality Display System |
10111236 | Water-Jet Guided Cutting System |
10111280 | Laser Micro Material Processing System |
10111281 | Laser Direct Structuring System |
10111317 | Five-Axis CNC Machine |
10111419 | Continuum Surelite Laser |
10111475 | Vector Network Analyser |
10111476 | Rotary Tube Furnace |
10111488 | Single Station Knee Sim SSKS2 |
10111625 | Atomic Force Microscope |
10111957 | Preparative HPLC |
10112040 | Mini Multi Lens 3D Printer |
10112371 | Fluorescence microscope system |
10112500 | SEC Malls |
10112578 | Atomic Force Microscope System |
10112633 | CNC Sliding Headstock Turning Centre |
10112634 | Large 3D Printer |
10112753 | Saxs-Waxs |
10112769 | Liquid Scintillation Counter |
10112770 | Rock Imager 1000 4C |
10112771 | Rock Imagers 1000 |
10112772 | NT8 robot |
10112773 | LCP FRAP |
10112919 | Optical Emission Spectrometer(ICICP-OES) |
10112928 | MTM System |
10112942 | Transcranial Equipment |
10112943 | Scanning Electron Microscope |
10113000 | Pyrosequencing System |
10113003 | High Frequency Ultrasound Scanner |
10113148 | Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spec |
10113168 | Benchtop fluorescence measurement reader |
10113233 | Active Storage mVault |
10113503 | Storage Area Network |
10113515 | Wafer Bonding System |
10113516 | Femtosecond Scratch-Tester Millennium |
10113743 | Electronic Network Switch 32x32 |
10113759 | Plant InVivo Luminescence Imaging System |
10113855 | RIE Etching System |
10114031 | Split Pair Cryostat |
10114185 | Double Wall Ring DHR Interfacial Kit |
10114187 | Instron Electron Pulse - Spine Simulator |
10114214 | CAPS Probe for NCAS FAAM BA146 Aircraft |
10114216 | Clinical Embryology Stem Equipment |
10114217 | Plate Reader |
10114259 | Real Time Heart Valve Wear Tester |
10114283 | High Power/High Rep Rate Laser |
10114290 | Biomechanics Force Platform |
10114309 | Anaerobic Cabinet |
10114310 | X-Ray Image Detector |
10114318 | Rheometer |
10114327 | 1.5T MRI Scanner |
10114328 | Centrifugal Contactor |
10114333 | Laser Welder With CNC Functionality |
10501085 | Multiphoton Microscope |
10501086 | Flim Add-on for Zeiss 710 Microscope |
10501586 | Isostatic laminator |
10501685 | Virtual slide scanners |
10501686 | Virtual slide scanners |
10501737 | Nanosight NS 300 |
10501739 | Knitting Machine |
10501740 | Knitting Machine |
10502111 | Mastersizer 3000 laser diffraction |
10502200 | Clinical Embryology Stem Equipment |
10502206 | Clinical Embryology Stem Equipment |
10502207 | Clinical Embryology Stem Equipment |
10502314 | Mettler-Toledo Particle Track E25 System |
10502326 | Flex Station |
10502327 | Flex Station |
10502341 | Single station Knee Simulator SSKS3 |
10502434 | Auto Macs Pro Separator |
10502441 | Metflow UVP-DUO_MX.5 Frequency Measuring |
10502469 | Cardiac Ultrasound System |
10502481 | Cryo-TEm grid Sample Freezing apparatus |
10502598 | PTR-TOF-MS System |
10502733 | Buck CR2 Hygrometer |
10502744 | Six Station Knee Simulator KS7 |
10503244 | Synapt G2 Si System inc HDX manual |
10503245 | Xevo Q-Tof And M Class 2D uplc System |
10503372 | Confocal laser scanning microscope |
10503387 | sizing equipment for sprays/particles |
10503388 | Granulator |
10503396 | Atomic Force Microscope |
10503410 | Rheometer |
10503429 | Simultaneous Thermal Analyser |
10503446 | Fluid Bed Dryer |
10503447 | Spray Dryer |
10503450 | CADCAM system |
10503473 | Optical Surface Profilometer |
10503486 | Cloud Imaging Probe 100micron |
10503487 | Cloud Imaging Probe 15micron |
10503507 | Body Composition Scanner |
10503508 | Electroforce Test Instrument |
10503518 | FTIR Analyser |
10503532 | Grain shape analyser |
10503536 | Light Scattering Detector |
10503583 | Femtosecond Pulsed Laser |
10503585 | Plate Reader |
10503608 | Buchi Rotavapor |
10503609 | Buchi Spray drier/encapsulator |
10503627 | Sun Photometer |
10503722 | Sun Photometer |
10503731 | Dental Model Scanner |
10503739 | Sun Photometer |
10503750 | X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer |
10503777 | TruFade Xenon Arc Light Fastness Tester |
10503812 | High Speed Camera |
10503820 | Formulator Liquid Handler |
10503836 | ICP-OES |
10503838 | Low N Analyser |
10503844 | XFp Extracellullar Flux Analyzer |
10503870 | Desktop Electron Microscope |
10503871 | Desktop Electron Microscope |
10503908 | NMR Spectrometer |
10503977 | Spherical Display System (Omniglobe) |
10504000 | High Speed Camera |
10504005 | Licor Odyssey Sa infrared imaging system |
10504010 | Universal Testing Machine |
10504030 | Gel Permeation Chromatography Equipment |
10504047 | Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer |
10504048 | Magnetic resonance spectrometer |
10504050 | Slide Scanner (Aperio AT2) |
10504070 | EMG System |
10504075 | Mask Aligner System |
10504138 | Particle Size analyser |
10504140 | Plate Reader |
10504161 | Mass Spectrometer |
10504185 | Laser tweezers |
10504216 | 750 MHz NMR Equipment |
10504226 | Integrated Laser Induced Breakdown Spect |
10504229 | Direct Write Laser System |
10504230 | Mini Traction Machine |
10504231 | Spectrophotofluorimeter |
10504233 | Direct Write Laser System |
10504275 | Cell Viability Analyser |
10504281 | Mask Aligner System |
10504340 | Confocal Raman & Fluorescence Microscope |
10504363 | Semi-enclosed Benchtop Tissue Processor |
10504633 | Mask Aligner System |
10504669 | Liquid Phase Chromatography System |
10505033 | Chirascan CD Spectrometer |
10505124 | Heating Stage for Magneto-Optical Kerr M |
10505199 | Otical Coherence Tomography Scanner |
10505200 | One View Camera |
10505201 | Transmission electron Microscope (SPA) |
10505202 | Transmission electron Microscope (tomog) |
10505203 | Direct Electron Detector |
10505206 | Scanning transmission electron microscop |
10505209 | Eyelink 1000 plus – Eye tracker |
10505348 | 950MHz NMR Package |
10505349 | Inverse TCI Cryoprobe |
10505350 | Obverse TXO cryoprobe |
10505351 | 600MHz NMR spectrometer upgrade |
10505355 | High Speed Vertical Centrifuge |
10505376 | Virtual slide scanners |
10505379 | PCR Machine |
10505380 | Flex Robot |
10505401 | Scanning mobility particle sizing instru |
10505484 | Heating Stage for Magneto-Optical Kerr M |
10505532 | Hypoxystation |
10505566 | Amersham WB System(Western blot & scan ) |
10505631 | 3D Scanner |
10505632 | 4D (3D Motion Capture) Scanner |
10505639 | Continuous atmospheric plasma machine |
10505786 | Liquid Phase Chromatography System |
10505788 | Electron Scanning Microscope |
10505824 | Particle Sizer NanoSight NS300 |
10505825 | ZEN5600 Zetasizer Nano ZSP |
10505898 | Differential GPS |
10505991 | Particle Sizer (Zetasizer) |
10506195 | Magneto-optical Kerr Microscope |
10506203 | Fast Field Cycling Benchtop NMR |
10506224 | Compact/Mini Second Ion Mass Spectromete |
10506363 | Bod Pod |
10506364 | Bench Top Mouse Sized Camera |
10506386 | Volumetric Particle Imaging Velocimetry |
10506435 | Automated Ultrasonicator |
10506492 | Storage Disk Array Computer Server |
10506493 | Storage Disk Array Computer Server |
10506494 | Storage Disk Array Computer Server |
10506495 | Storage Disk Array Computer Server |
10506496 | Storage Disk Array Computer Server |
10506497 | Storage Disk Array Computer Server |
10506608 | Eyelink 1000 plus – Eye tracker |
10506659 | Akta Pure |
10506680 | ICS 4000 Ion Chromatography System |
10506681 | ICS 4000 Ion Chromatography System |
10506706 | HeartWorks Dual Simulator |
10506722 | Confocal Laser Scann Upright Microscope |
10506761 | LIDAR Doppler System |
10506763 | Advanced Patient Simulator |
10506764 | Differential Scanning Calorimeter |
10506784 | Electrochemical Quartz Crystal Microbal |
10506805 | Inkjet Materials Printer |
10506815 | Knee Simulator No 8 |
10506816 | Knee Simulator No 9 |
10506829 | Sea Container Mobile Laboratory |
10506843 | Parahydrogen Generator |
10506854 | High Resolution X-Ray Diffractometer |
10506858 | Hyperpolarised MRI Scanner |
10506884 | Inkjet Materials Printer |
10506938 | High Speed Camera System |
10506942 | UHPLC |
10506947 | TVS Hardware Upgrade & TA SYSTEM |
10506950 | Nano Indentor |
10506956 | Polariser |
10507005 | Multimode Microplate Reader |
10507037 | Trustland Washing Machine Barrier Farm |
10507045 | Shima 12G Knitting Machine |
10507046 | Shima 5G Knitting Machine |
10507047 | Shima SDS-ONE-APEX3 Controller |
10507053 | Drop Analyser |
10507083 | Continuous Flow Auto-Analyser |
10507089 | Uniterrupted Power supply (UPS) |
10507090 | Crystallisation Robot |
10507097 | TruFade Xenon ARC Light Fastness Tester |
10507111 | Flexstation3 Microplate Reader |
10507113 | Two Channel Auditory Evoked Potential |
10507114 | Multi Myograph DMT |
10507124 | Electroencephalography (EEG) System |
10507125 | Drying/Conditioning Cabinet |
10507171 | Automated Laboratory Reactor |
10507172 | high performance centrifuge with rotors |
10507178 | Photolysis Laser |
10507204 | Standard Hip Sim EM16A/16B |
10507205 | 6 Station Enhanced Hip Sim EM17 A/B |
10507214 | Renishaw InVia Raman Spectrometer |
10507219 | Geophysical Drilling Simulator |
10507220 | DAWN 8+ |
10507221 | Micromanipulation System |
10507224 | High Speed Camera (large white one) |
10507227 | PCR Instrument |
10507230 | High Speed Multi Camera Optoelectronic |
10507260 | Long Distance Microscope |
10507274 | Infa Red Imaging System |
10507277 | Aerodynamic Particle Sizer |
10507326 | Digital Flow Cytometer |
10507327 | Cryotank - Tank 7 |
10507336 | Autoclave |
10507361 | Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapour Depositi |
10507384 | Ultrafast Laser Plasma Deposition System |
10507385 | Mobile Robot Base |
10507401 | Microplate Reader- Polar Star Omega |
10507402 | Anaerobic Workstation |
10507405 | Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometer |
10507406 | Tissue Processing Cryostat CM3050S |
10507412 | Seahorse Analyzer - XFe96 |
10507413 | Infrastructure IT |
10507414 | Infrastructure IT |
10507415 | Infrastructure IT |
10507416 | Biomek 4000 |
10507419 | Ultracentrifuge |
10507420 | Ultracentrifuge |
10507421 | Isostatic Press |
10507422 | MRI Ergometer |
10507447 | Gravity meter - Scintrex CG-5 |
10507522 | Aerosol Jet Printer |
10507693 | High Performance Hybrid Solid State Serv |
10507777 | Femtosecond |
10507778 | Peptide synthesizer |
10507851 | Relative Humidity Calibration System |
10507853 | Biocomp gradient fractionator |
10507883 | Pre-Clinical Bench top MRI Scanner |
10507902 | Evos FL Auto |
10507903 | Evos FL Auto |
10507922 | IncuCyte |
10508152 | Mobile Laboratory |
10508153 | Aerodynamic Particle Szer |
10508154 | Phantom Miro lab 120 camera |
10508168 | MRI Imaging System |
10508169 | Pre-Clinical Multimodality Imaging Syste |
10508170 | Pre-Clinical Multimodality Imaging Syste |
10508312 | Electron Scanning Microscope |
10508313 | Peptide synthesizer |
10508345 | Continuum Surelite Laser |
10508356 | Evos FL Auto |
10508388 | MultiClamp 700B |
10508405 | Chromatography System |
10508436 | Chromatography System |
10508460 | Spectroscopic Ellipsometer |
10508465 | Grass Harvester - YJ66 KVG |
10508470 | Tuneable Nanosecond Laser |
10508485 | Gel Imager |
10508536 | Evos FL Auto |
10508562 | Liquid Handling Robot |
10508717 | Microplate Reader |
10508808 | Ultimate Cardio 2 MGC |
10508814 | Ventana iScan HT with 3TB Storage |
10508824 | Eye Tracking System (Smart Eye) |
10508827 | Vacuum Casting Machine |
10508838 | Driving Simulator (Truck) |
10508876 | Dell Poweredge chassis and nodes - NCAS |
10508885 | Faraday Cage(built into wall) |
10508886 | Universal Test Machine |
10508887 | Universal Test Machine |
10508888 | Universal Test Machine |
10508889 | Universal Test Machine |
10508899 | Porometer Porolux 100 |
10508902 | Husky Unmanned Ground Vehicle 1 |
10508903 | SEA WCM-2000 Multi-Element Water Content |
10508908 | Tribometer |
10508919 | Hidex Sense Beta Plus Microplate Reader |
10508920 | Tribometer |
10508926 | Micro-Mirro TIRF System |
10508930 | Portable Ultrasound Scanner |
10508931 | Animal MRI Shielded Gradient Insert |
10508964 | Ion Chromatography Unit |
10509049 | Ground Penetrating Radar |
10509052 | Barostat system |
10509072 | Drop Shape Tensiometer |
10509108 | Visual Eye III Motion Tracking System 1 |
10509115 | SampleJet 3 |
10509127 | Dynamic Vapour Sorption |
10509128 | Gel Permeation Chromatography Instrument |
10509130 | Variable Field Module Upgrade |
10509136 | Skin Analyser |
10509138 | Orbital Abrasive Cutter |
10509173 | Fanbox Organic Solvent Excel Unit |
10509183 | Lab Animal Monitoring System |
10509184 | ScanClime Humidity Control |
10509185 | ScanClime Humidity Control |
10509186 | Simuitaneous Thermal Analyser |
10509188 | Rack washer for animal cages |
10509193 | Automated Digital Slide Scanner |
10509194 | Helios G4CX Dual Beam FIB SEM |
10509222 | Selective Laser Melting Instrument |
10509228 | Ultrafast Laser Regenerative System |
10509268 | Dispensing Machine |
10509275 | AKTA Pure System |
10509282 | Husky Unmanned Ground Vehicle 2 |
10509311 | TV Studio Cameras |
10509314 | Infrared Frequency Comb |
10509318 | UV/VIS/NIR Spectrometer |
10509325 | Wet Particle Shape Analyser |
10509335 | Gel Documentation System |
10509336 | Autonomous Mobile Manipulator |
10509397 | Confocal Microscope |
10509398 | Chromatography Akta Alta Pure |
10509399 | Chromatography Akta Alta Pure |
10509400 | Compact Mass Spectrometer |
10509415 | Gas Chromatograph |
10509449 | Freeze Thaw Chamber |
10509471 | Fluorescence Spectrometer |
10509476 | High Speed Camera |
10509495 | 3D Printer |
10509622 | Protein Purification system |
10509626 | Liquid Handling Robot |
10509643 | Rhoemeter |
10509654 | BD Facsmelody BV Plate |
10509734 | Differential scanning calorimeter |
10509743 | FFF & SEC |
10509753 | Lunar IDXA |
10509754 | Smart Grid Analyser |
10509755 | Micro Tribometer |
10509756 | Robotic Analyser |
10509757 | FFF & SEC |
10509861 | Near Field Scanning Optical Microscope |
10509926 | Parallel Robot |
10509929 | Dual Laser Projection System |
10509953 | EVOS FL AUTO |
10509954 | EVOS FL AUTO |
10509957 | Motion Analysis System |
10510013 | AuQuark RMR Indirect Calorimetry System |
10510040 | Q Exactive plus machine |
10510046 | Pulsed Laser Deposition System |
10510048 | Pig Feed Systems |
10510082 | LGR Fast Greenhouse Gas Analyser |
10510090 | Robotic Spotter |
10510091 | Near Infra-Red Imaging System |
10510151 | Surface Profiler |
10510216 | Robotic Analyser |
10510224 | Robotic Analyser |
10510423 | Spectrograph |
10510426 | Benchtop Flow Cytometer |
10510448 | VizMove Walking VR Turnkey System |
10510449 | Sim Mom |
10510450 | Sim Man |
10510466 | MRI Cryoprobe and cooling unit |
10510467 | Aixplorer Elastography US |
10510471 | Aztec Energy Advanced X-Max 150 |
10510474 | Robotic Analyser |
10510559 | Hidex Automatic Gamma Counter |
10510572 | AKTA Avant 25 |
10510600 | Steinway Piano model D |
10510601 | Steinway Piano model A |
10510602 | Steinway Piano model A |
10510603 | Steinway Piano model AS |
10510604 | Steinway Piano model AS |
10510605 | Steinway Piano model AS |
10510606 | Steinway Piano model AS |
10510607 | Steinway Piano model AS |
10510608 | Steinway Piano model V |
10510609 | Steinway Piano model V |
10510610 | Steinway Piano model V |
10510611 | Steinway Piano model V |
10510612 | Steinway Piano model V |
10510613 | Steinway Piano model V |
10510614 | Steinway Piano model V |
10510625 | Research Cryostat |
10510626 | Sample Manipulation Robot 1 |
10510628 | TSA-II Neurosensory Analyzer |
10510629 | Stable Isotope Mass Spectrometer |
10510630 | Ind Acid Injection Cold Finger Prep Syst |
10510635 | Flow Cytometer |
10510636 | Flow Cytometer |
10510654 | Direct Laser Writer |
10510670 | Sample Manipulation Robot 2 |
10510671 | Da Vinci Research Kit |
10510672 | Universal Robot Type UR5 |
10510673 | Spectroscopic Ellipsometer |
10510674 | Ultracentrifuge |
10510726 | Cryo-Cooler |
10510736 | All-In-one digital microscope |
10510737 | Protein Purification system |
10510746 | Automated Platform,Isolation & Processin |
10510748 | Protein Purification system |
10510804 | Stress Controlled Rheometer |
10510806 | E/3087 Waveform Generator |
10510823 | Atomic Force Microscope |
10510832 | High Temperature Tribometer |
10510833 | Motion Tracking Glasses |
10510834 | Sample Manipulation Robot |
10510951 | Near-Infra Red Spectroscopy (FNIRS) |
10510967 | Electrophoresis System |
10510973 | Automatic Triaxial Testing System |
10510980 | High Speed Camera (FASTCAM MINI) |
10510981 | Cyclic Corrosion Chamber |
10510992 | ANYmal Platform Robot |
10510993 | Optical Motion Tracking System |
10511002 | Dielectric analyser system |
10511053 | Electronic Jacquard and Harness |
10511055 | Contactless Measurement System |
10511056 | PacBio Long Read DNA Sequencer |
10511057 | Rolling Road Dynamometer |
10511060 | Contactless Measurement System |
10511062 | Scanning Probe Microscope |
10511063 | Dynamic Structural Monitoring System |
10511064 | X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy XPS 1 |
10511065 | UV Testing Chamber |
10511085 | Atomic Force FLIM microscope |
10511086 | Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope |
10511093 | Light Sheet Microscope |
10511101 | Optical Tracking Suite |
10511103 | Global Positioning Ststem |
10511104 | Aztec Microanalysis System |
10511105 | Multi Spectral Camera 1 |
10511106 | Multi Spectral Camera 2 |
10511107 | 4D Ultrasound Scanner |
10511113 | Solid State Laser |
10511114 | High Speed Camera System |
10511115 | Mageba Shuttle Loom Series SL MT 420/1 |
10511118 | Ion Miller |
10511119 | AKTA Pure Chromatography System |
10511129 | Cyclic Corrosion Chamber |
10511140 | Diode Laser Hygrometer - |
10511141 | 31p phase array coil (coil set up) |
10511189 | X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy XPS 2 |
10511191 | Spectrofluorometer |
10511193 | Mid Infrared Camera |
10511199 | Motion Capture System |
10511205 | Atomic Adsorption Spectrometer |
10511239 | Compact Mass Spectrometer |
10511254 | Quartz Crystal Microbalance |
10511255 | Tensile and Shear Tester |
10511259 | Digital Cameras |
10511260 | Cryo-Light Microscope |
10511261 | High Pressure Freezer |
10511262 | Cryo-Ultramicrotome |
10511263 | Freeze Substitution Unit |
10511264 | Magnetic Nerve Stimulator |
10511265 | Field Deployable Greenhouse Gas Analyser |
10511268 | Video Conferencing Leeds 1 QS1 |
10511269 | Video Conferencing Leeds 1 QS4 |
10511270 | Video Conferencing London MR1 |
10511276 | ion Chromatography System (HPLC-IC) |
10511277 | Visual Rendering System |
10511280 | 3 Axis Milling Machine |
10511284 | Wire Erosion Machine |
10511285 | Benchtop Climatic Chamber |
10511286 | Benchtop Climatic Chamber |
10511287 | Benchtop Climatic Chamber |
10511288 | Benchtop Climatic Chamber |
10511293 | Simultaneous Thermal Analyser |
10511295 | Automated Protein Digestion Robot |
10511306 | YAG/Dye Laser |
10511307 | Multi Chamber Deposition System |
10511308 | Virtual Anatomical Dissection Table |
10511312 | Cryo-Light Microscope |
10511313 | Cryo-Ultramicrotome |
10511316 | Cell Sorter |
10511384 | Plate Reader |
10511420 | Mapping Spectroscopic Ellipsometer |
10511423 | 2942 Autoclave |
10511424 | 2942 Autoclave |
10511439 | High Pressure Liquid Chromatograph |
10511443 | Fluorimeter |
10511449 | Spectrophotometer |
10511450 | Automated Tissue Processor |
10511457 | Multimode Micro Plate Reader |
10511505 | Sheet Former MK9000 |
10511541 | Electron Beam Evaporation System |
10511542 | Lidar Wind Profiler (Wind Lidar) |
10511640 | Miniature Pressure Scanner |
10511733 | Visual Rendering System |
10511770 | Immersive Pedestrian Simulator (a 4x9 me |
10511935 | Interpreter Training System |
10512014 | 3D Microscope |
10512024 | High Throughput Vacuum Pumping System |
10512026 | Benchtop NMR Spectrometer |
10512027 | Pendulum Friction Simulator |
10512057 | Scanning Electron Microscope |
10512058 | Micro CT System |
10512062 | Seismology Workstation Suite |
10512065 | Film Array System |
10512073 | Intravital Microscope |
10512082 | IMS TOF Mass Spectrometer |
10512086 | Flexstation Multiwell Plate Reader |
10512095 | Tuneable Nanosecond YAG/Dye Laser |
10512096 | Tuneable Nanosecond YAG/Dye Laser |
10512097 | Pulsed Nanosecond YAG Laser |
10512108 | Sputter Coater |
10512125 | ENV-GEO-C-018 LICOR6800 |
10512132 | Electron/Ion Microscopy |
10512148 | Loadlock for SLIM equipment |
10512155 | AKTA pure on Delivery |
10512179 | Nephelometer |
10512180 | Hygrometer |
10512186 | Licor portable photosynthesis |
10512215 | SmartEye Upgrade |
10512218 | 3369 Materials Testing System |
10512219 | 3369 Materials Testing System |
10512220 | 3369 Materials Testing System |
10512221 | 3369 Materials Testing System |
10512222 | Airyscan processing & Axio Scope A1 |
10512225 | Cell Disruptor |
10512229 | Film Array System |
10512234 | Laser Speckle Contrast Imager |
10512270 | Zeitasizer ZSU5700 (Mass Spectromater) |
10512273 | Fluid Technology Suite |
10512294 | Dual Mode Ergometer |
10512298 | HPLC System |
10512299 | HPLC System |
10512300 | HPLC System |
10512305 | Zeitasizer ZSU5700 |
10512320 | Electron/Ion Microscopy |
10512326 | NMR spectrometer system |
10512339 | AKTA Pure Chromatography System |
10512340 | Sample Measurement/Analysis - Cryogenic |
10512343 | Zoom Stereo-Microscope |
10512345 | High Speed Camera System |
10512346 | High Speed Camera System |
10512347 | High Speed Camera System |
10512348 | High Speed Camera System |
10512349 | High Speed Camera System |
10512351 | ESBD Detector |
10512353 | Flow Cytometer |
10512417 | Upper Limb Rehab Robot |
10512418 | Small/Wide angle X Ray scattering camera |
10512422 | Inverted Light-Microscope |
10512423 | Low Temperature STM/AFM system |
10512424 | Confocol Microscope |
10512435 | Advanced Research Fourier Transform Spec |
10512444 | Inverted Microscope with epi-fluorescenc |
10512450 | Plasma Cleaner |
10512451 | NMR cyroprobe system |
10512452 | Tractor |
10512453 | Parallel Reaction Microcalorimeter |
10512462 | CO2/H2O analyser |
10512463 | CO2/H2O analyser |
10512466 | CW EPR/ESR benchtop X-band spectrometer |
10512468 | Low Temperature STM/AFM system |
10512647 | MRI Scanner |
10512648 | Thermal Property Analyser |
10512650 | Nanopositioning System |
10512653 | High Speed Centrifuge |
10512655 | Nano-Hyperspec VNIR (400-1000nm) Airborn |
10512659 | Airyscan processing & Axio Scope A1 |
10512660 | Airyscan processing & Axio Scope A1 |
10512664 | Ultrasonic Spray Coater |
10512673 | Quiagen Pyromark Q48 AutoPrep |
10512679 | Five Rear Projectors ENV-TRA-R-006 |
10512761 | Chromatography protein purification syst |
10512762 | Ion mill |
10512765 | Benchtop NMR |
10512783 | Pic Advanced System |
10512912 | Low Temperature STM/AFM system |
10513039 | EVOS microscope |
10513139 | Stedycon Super- Resolution Microscope |
10513146 | Solution Blowing Unit |
10513437 | Unmanned ground vehicle |
10513438 | HATPRO BASE UNIT |
10513442 | Rheometer + interfacial shear rheology |
10513463 | QuantStudio3 real time PCR system |
10513537 | Widefield Microscope |
10513543 | Thermobonding oven |
10513765 | EEG System |
10513797 | Optical Surface Profilometer |
10513898 | Fible Analysis system |
10513926 | Centrifugal extractor |
10513927 | Centrifugal extractor |
10513931 | AKTA |
10513977 | BodPod body composition system |
10513988 | gas chromatograph mass spectrometer |
10514038 | Horiba Fluromax 4 (Flurometer) |
10514039 | Sputter Coater |
10514041 | Centrifugal extractor |
10514042 | HeNe Laser |
10514043 | Toptica CLE |
10514046 | uo |
10514047 | Shaking Table |
10514048 | Digital Recever part of Mobil Radar |
10514049 | Nexseq 550 |
10514050 | Miseq |
10514051 | Miseq |
10514052 | Kuka R820 Robotic Manipulator |
10514053 | Kuka R820 Robotic Manipulator |
10514068 | 600kn Instron Testing System |
10514070 | Eye Tracking System |
10514071 | Crosslapper/Needleloom system |
10514073 | Crosslapper/Needleloom system |
10514074 | Thermal Calender Unit |
10514075 | Airlay Manufacturing Line |
10514077 | CLAMS System 16047/18D |
10514078 | Solar Sensor |
10514079 | D-FLOX V.2.1 |
10514080 | Dental Simulator |
10514175 | Dynamic Mechanical Analyser |
10514268 | Gas Exchange System |
10514271 | Data Analyser |
10514305 | Raman 785nm |
10514306 | Total Appearance Capture System |
10514307 | Yarn Spinning System |
10514361 | Phantom Head Units |
10514362 | Agilent Certified Pre-owned - HPLC |
10514364 | Edit Share Video Server |
10514375 | Cryostat and Temperature Controller |
10514376 | 3D Optical Profiler |
10514388 | Neo-natal MRI incubator |
10514392 | AVAPS Rack Computer System |
10514394 | Single Row Seeder |
10514396 | single cell isolator (10x controller) |
10514397 | Dynamic FBG Interrogator |
10514399 | Growth Cabinet |
10514401 | Pulsed Laser Deposition System |
10514404 | Bicomponent Spunbond system |
10514405 | Raman Microscope |
10514408 | Incucyte S3 with ZOOM software |
10514409 | Incucyte S3 with ZOOM software |
10514410 | Fluorospt reader |
10514412 | UAV Aerosol Research Tool |
10514415 | Stratasys F270 FDM Printer System |
10514416 | Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer |
10514417 | Anaerobic Chamber |
10514422 | Dynamic Image Analyser |
10514423 | Q-Sense Explorer |
10514431 | Cell disruptor |
10514435 | PINE: expansion chamber for ice particle |
10514438 | Incucyte S3 and Zoom Software |
10514439 | Single Crystal X-Ray Diffractometer |
10514445 | Inkjet Materials Printer |
10514451 | HPLC |
10514453 | HPLC |
10514454 | Megasonic Cleaner |
10514461 | Interpretation Suite |
10514466 | Data Analyser |
10514475 | Mass spectrometer |
10514478 | Micromanipulator Cryo Lift Out |
10514479 | Short Read Sequencer |
10514481 | Force and Vibration Measuring Plate |
10514484 | Neo-natal MRI incubator |
10514485 | Neo-natal MRI incubator |
10514486 | Haptic Dental Simulation Unit |
10514487 | Haptic Dental Simulation Unit |
10514488 | Haptic Dental Simulation Unit |
10514489 | Haptic Dental Simulation Unit |
10514490 | Haptic Dental Simulation Units |
10514491 | Haptic Dental Simulation Unit |
10514492 | Haptic Dental Simulation Unit |
10514493 | Haptic Dental Simulation Units |
10514498 | Parylene Coater |
10514499 | Thermal Imaging Camera |
10514501 | rheometer |
10514504 | Form Talysurf Laser |
10514507 | Field Flow Fractionation System |
10514512 | Mastersizer |
10514513 | Reflectometer |
10514514 | Intra Oral Scanner |
10514515 | Haptic Dental Simulation Unit |
10514516 | Surface Profilometer |
10514517 | Mass Photometer |
10514518 | Die Bonder |
10514542 | Dynamic Field Camera |
10514545 | Akta Purifier HPLC 25M |
10514547 | Endodontic Microscope |
10514548 | Six Axis Hip Simulator |
10514572 | Microscope Upgrade |
10514573 | tapestation |
10514645 | Liquid handling automation system |
10514646 | High Power Femtosecond Laser |
10514648 | UV-Vis spectrometer |
10514655 | UV-Vis spectrometer |
10514656 | Endodontic Microscope |
10514657 | Endodontic Microscope |
10514658 | X-Ray Diffractometer |
10514659 | Analytical HPLC |
10514660 | Preparative HPLC |
10514663 | Growth Cabinet |
10514664 | Growth Cabinet |
10514665 | Converted Container |
10514666 | Peptide Synthesiser |
10514667 | GC-MS |
10514668 | Thin Film Deposition System |
10514671 | Digital PCR system |
10514672 | Liquid Chromatography instrument |
10514673 | Liquid Chromatography instrument |
10514681 | RF Coil |
10514682 | Ultrasound Simulation System |
10514683 | Ultrasound Simulation System |
10514684 | Ultrasound Simulation System |
10514685 | Ultrasound Simulation System |
10514686 | Ultrasound Simulation System |
10514687 | Ultrasound Simulation System |
10514696 | Liquid Chromatography Instrument |
10514699 | Fibre Optic Interrogator |
10514708 | Photolysis Laser |
10514710 | Controlled environment room |
10514711 | Controlled environment room |
10514712 | Real-time simulator |
10514713 | Photoluminescence Spectrometer |
10514714 | 3D Bioprinter |
10514715 | EPI contrast microscope |
10514716 | Geophysical Sensing System |
10514717 | Infrared Camera |
10514718 | Autoclave |
10514719 | Centrifugal extractor |
10514720 | Co-ordinate Measuring Machine System |
10514723 | Portable Endovascular Trainer |
10514724 | handheld FTIR Spectrometer |
10514725 | Biogas Analyser |
10514726 | 26/30-GHz Spectrum analyser |
10514727 | Sleeved Microaerobic Workstation |
10514728 | Live Cell Imaging System |
10514729 | Precision Grinding Machine |
10514730 | Space Layer Imaging System |
10514731 | Kuka R820 Robotic Manipulator |
10514734 | Nitrogen Generator |
10514735 | Nitrogen Generator |
10514737 | Centrifugal extractor |
10514744 | Live Cell Imaging System |
10514748 | Surface Coil for Skeletal Muscle |
10514786 | Sleeved Microaerobic Workstation |
10514787 | Boxford 300VMCi PC CNC Mill |
10514795 | Vacuum pumping system |
10514796 | Dynamic Light Scattering Equipment |
10514804 | Seismograph |
10514807 | CO2 Analyser |
10514893 | MRI Safe Heart Monitor |
10515007 | YAG/Dye laser system |
10515105 | Dynamic Light Scattering Equipment |
10515502 | Lattice Light Sheet Microscope |
10515512 | Portable Endovascular Trainer |
10515513 | COMB Laser |
10515514 | FEBUS G1-C: (DSTS) Distributed Strain an |
10515515 | High speed monochrome camera |
10515516 | High resolution mass spectrometer 1 of 2 |
10515518 | R F-Coil |
10515705 | Soil flux chamber system |
10515764 | High speed monochrome camera |
10515781 | Robotic Arm |
10515782 | Robotic Arm |
10515821 | Slurry Processing Unit |
10515822 | Stress Test Roller |
10515823 | Digital Microscope |
10515863 | High resolution mass spectrometer 2 of 2 |
10515864 | Medical Robotic Arm |
10515952 | anaerobic workstation |
10515975 | Agilent Tapestation 4200 |
10516079 | Aethalometer |
10516103 | High Resolution 3D Printer |
10516205 | Medical Robotic Arm |
10516304 | DSTS Analyser |
10516305 | W8 cytometer |
10516308 | Fastcam Mini |
10516350 | GENEXPERT IV R2, 4 MODULE with LAPTOP |
10516353 | DTS Raman Analyser |
10516400 | Medical Emergencies Simulator |
10516543 | EMG Analyser |
10516546 | BMF S140 uPSL |
10516549 | Dust Monitor |
10516706 | Vibratory Disc Mill RS200 (Rock cutting) |
10517013 | HPLC-MS |
10517021 | Medical Emergencies Simulator |
10517166 | atomic force microscope |
10517200 | Ultracentrifuge |
10517216 | sedimentation analyser for concentrated |
10517219 | Isothermal Calorimeter |
10517233 | Laser TSL-570 |
10517235 | Imaging System |
10517238 | Direct Electron Detector Camera |
10517265 | Plant growth room (x2) |
10517266 | Plant growth room (x2) |
10517283 | Laser TSL-570 |
10517389 | ASOPS laser system |
10517447 | Q Smart 450 Laser |
10517448 | Q Smart 450 Laser |
10517514 | Visual Displat Analyser |
10517517 | Contact Angle |
10517587 | Agilent 1290 Infinity HPLC |
10517616 | 22,000 ANSI Lumens Laser Projector &Lens |
10517644 | HPLC with a DAD and FLD |
10517646 | KJELDAHL ANALYSIS Automated Protein |
10517648 | SOXTHERM EXTRACTION UNIT-Automate Soxlet |
10517649 | Mapping Drone |
10517653 | Operating Table |
10517699 | Tuneable dye laser |
10517707 | Quantel Q-Smart Oscillator |
10517711 | Combustion Analyser - AJ |
10517719 | high speed camera |
10517722 | Hydrogen Reactor |
10517723 | Reaction Frame |
10517724 | Anaerobic Workstation |
10517727 | ParticleTrack G400 bundle |
10517728 | Finapres Nova |
10517729 | Finapres Nova system with touch screen |
10517730 | Finapres Nova system with touch screen |
10517731 | QICPIC particle image analyser |
10517732 | Cryocooler with temperature controller |
10517743 | Direct Hybrid/Electron Detector |
10517748 | Rotational Rheometer |
10517833 | X-band Weather Radar (Cloud Radar) |
10517835 | Automacs Pro Separator |
10517854 | Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA) Instrumen |
10517898 | Automacs Pro Separator |
10517900 | Portable XRF instrument |
10517901 | Rheometer, Kinexus |
10517902 | Plant growth cabinet |
10517903 | Plant growth cabinet |
10517904 | Endoscopic Stack EVIS X1 |
10517905 | TGA/DSC 3+ |
10517908 | Portable fast exhaust emission analyser |
10518011 | DELETED Injection TOC/TNb Analyser AS60 |
10518048 | Shuttle Weaving Machine |
10518058 | VLS6.75 LASER CUTTER |
10518249 | FPLC Chromatography System |
10518250 | Quantum Detectors |
10518399 | Tapestation 4200 |
10518401 | FPLC Chromatography System |
10538598 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538599 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538600 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538601 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538602 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538603 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538604 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538605 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538606 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538607 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538608 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538609 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538610 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538611 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538612 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538613 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538614 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538615 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538616 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538617 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538618 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538619 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538620 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538621 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538622 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538623 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538624 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538625 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538626 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538627 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538628 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538629 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538630 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538631 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538632 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538633 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538634 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538635 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538636 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538637 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538638 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538639 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538640 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538641 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538642 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538643 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538644 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538645 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538646 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538647 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538648 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538649 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538650 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538651 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538652 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538653 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538654 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538655 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538656 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538657 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538658 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538659 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538660 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538661 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538662 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538663 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538664 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538665 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538666 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538667 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538668 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538669 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538670 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538671 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538672 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538673 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538674 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538675 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538676 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538677 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538678 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538679 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538680 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538681 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538682 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538683 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538684 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538685 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538686 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538687 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538688 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538689 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538690 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538691 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538692 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538693 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538694 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538695 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538696 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538697 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538698 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538699 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538700 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538701 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538702 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538703 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538704 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538705 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538706 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538707 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538708 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538709 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538710 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538711 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538712 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538713 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538714 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538715 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538716 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538717 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538718 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538719 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538720 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538721 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538722 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538723 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538724 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538725 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538726 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538727 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538728 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538729 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538730 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538731 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538732 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538733 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538734 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538735 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538736 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538737 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538738 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538739 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538740 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538741 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538742 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538743 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538744 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538745 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538746 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538747 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538748 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538749 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538750 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538751 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538752 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538753 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538754 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538755 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538756 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538757 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538758 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538759 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538760 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538761 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538762 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538763 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538764 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538765 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538766 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538767 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538768 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538769 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538770 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538771 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538772 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538773 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538774 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538775 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538776 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538777 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538778 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538779 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538780 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538781 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538782 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538783 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538784 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538785 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538786 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538787 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538788 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538789 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538790 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538791 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538792 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538793 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538794 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538795 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538796 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538797 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538798 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538799 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538800 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538801 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538802 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538803 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538804 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538805 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538806 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538807 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538808 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538809 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538810 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538811 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538812 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538813 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538814 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538815 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538816 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538817 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538818 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538819 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538820 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538821 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538822 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538823 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538824 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538825 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538826 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538827 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538828 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538829 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538830 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538831 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538832 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538833 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538834 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538835 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538836 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538837 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538838 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538839 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538840 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538841 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538842 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10538843 | Plant Growth Chamber |
10548598 | Stereo Particle Imaging Velocimetry (PIV |
10548675 | Rheometer with tribology set up |
10548676 | LaVision Minishaker Camera |
10548677 | Laboratory Melt Spinning System |
10548679 | Combi Flash |
10548690 | Weather Station |
10548712 | Terahertz imaging system |
10548751 | Atomic Force Microscope and accesories |
10548752 | Optical Tensiometer |
10548758 | HAAKE MiniLab 3 Micro Compounder |
10548764 | Combustion Analyser - Skalar |
10548765 | Hair Analyser |
10548766 | 3D Body Scanner |
10548771 | Spectrophotometer |
10548772 | Laroche Cadette and Small-scale Opener |
10548773 | Laroche Cadette and Small-scale Opener |
10548774 | Milling Machine |
10548775 | Zeiss LSM980 with Airyscan2 |
10548776 | GC/MS |
10548778 | SPR machine |
10548779 | Rotating Autoclave |
10548780 | UltimMax EDS System for SU9000 lowkV EM |
10548782 | Laser Diffraction Analyser |
10548783 | Multi-user high-capacity live cell image |
10548785 | Small and wide angle x-ray scattering in |
10548789 | Microwave/RF Probe station |
10548806 | Medical Simulator |
10548807 | Spectrograph and Camera |
10548812 | benchtop microCT |
10548816 | Wire bonder |
10548817 | CNC Machine |
10548818 | PVD System |
10548820 | Signature PCR System |
10548821 | Medical Simulator |
10548827 | Ultrasound Machine |
10548828 | Ultrasound Machine |
10548829 | HRiM Catheter |
10548831 | ICSI Workstation with Manipulators |
10548836 | Electrolytic Oxidation System |
10548867 | high resolution scanner |
10548884 | Medical Simulator |
10548885 | Thermogravimetric analyser |
10548887 | StreamPro ADCP |
10548890 | Stirling cooler |
10548891 | Stirling cooler |
10548892 | FPLC Chromatography System |
10548893 | 805NM LASER UPGRADE TO MICRO TIME 200 |
10548901 | 3D live cell imager |
10548903 | FIBSEM |
10548904 | Endodontic Microscope |
10548905 | 3D live cell imager |
10548906 | StemCelll RoboSep-S |
10548908 | Plant growth chamber (Snijder) |
10548909 | semiconductor parameter analyser |
10548911 | Akta Go Protein Purifier |
10548913 | UV/VIS Spectrophotometer |
10548917 | Droplet PCR Analyser |
10548918 | semiconductor parameter analyser |
10548920 | Eyetracking System |
10548925 | EEG System |
10548931 | Insect Bioreactor |
10548932 | ECG and Blood Pressure Monitor |
10548933 | ECG and Blood Pressure Monitor |
10548934 | ECG Machine (analyzer system) |
10548935 | ECG Machine ( analyzer system) |
10548936 | ECG Machine ( analyzer system) |
10548938 | Sputter Coater |
10548939 | Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer |
10548942 | Image Intensifier Module |
10548943 | Magnetic field generator |
10548945 | High Resolution 3D Printer |
10548946 | rheometer |
10548947 | Surface area and porosity analyser |
10548948 | Cathode Luminescence Microscope |
10548949 | Haptic Glove |
10548950 | Duramin-40 M1 Hardness Tester (Struers) |
10548951 | UV Laser Marker Meta-C UV 3W |
10548952 | Dental Chair - 32 |
10548953 | Dental Chair - 28 |
10548954 | High Speed Centrifuge |
10548955 | High Speed Centrifuge |
10548958 | Nanosecond YAG laser |
10548959 | Carbon and Sulphur analyser |
10548961 | Cold Storage Container |
10548965 | Motion Capture System |
10548981 | Ball mill |
10548982 | Scanning Electron Microscope instrument |
10548983 | Ion Polisher |
10549001 | Atomated Fash HPLC System |
10549002 | Seahorse BioAnalyser |
10549003 | EDXS and electrical stage upgrade |
10549008 | HPLC System |
10549014 | Ultrasound Phantoms |
10549015 | ECG and Blood Pressure Monitor |
10549016 | 2D Transducer Array |
10549017 | 2D Transducer Array |
10549021 | seaFAST Instrument |
10549022 | Duramin-40 M1 Hardness Tester (Struers) |
10549024 | Cathode Luminescence Microscope |
10549028 | Superconducting bolometer and cryocooler |
10549029 | Cryocooler |
10549030 | dSTORM Microscope |
10549032 | Dianthus Cell Sorter |
10549034 | Fast Gated Detector |
10549035 | Fast Gated Detector |
10549038 | Fast Gated Detector |
10549039 | Fast Gated Detector |
10549040 | Fast Gated Detector |
10549041 | IRIS Spectrometer for Nion microscope |
10549044 | water test bed |
10549045 | Incubator Microscope/Live Cell Imaging |
10549047 | ribological platform |
10549049 | Wiedenmann XP8/210 |
10549050 | Power system real-time simulator |
10549053 | Simulation Manikin ALS & IT upgrade pack |
10549054 | Simulation Manikin ALS & IT upgrade pack |
10549071 | Cell Analyser |
10549073 | Bioaerosol sampler |
10549078 | UK_DEU-SYS-16 |
10549114 | Thermal Analyser - DSC 4000 |
10549115 | Molten salt loop and control system |
10549118 | 8-axis robot motion control unit |
10549120 | Trace Gas Analyser |
10549122 | Flex Duo UPLC |
10549123 | Portable Ultrasound Scanner |
10549124 | Portable Ultrasound Scanner |
10549125 | Portable Ultrasound Scanner |
10549126 | Oxidation Furnace |
10549127 | Laser Scanner |
10549142 | Corrosion Testing System |
10549143 | Dry etch system 1 |
10549144 | Dry etch system 2 |
10549145 | Dry etch system 3 |
10549146 | Dry etch system 4 |
10549147 | 3-Section Optical Table |
10549148 | Hexapod Microrobot 6DOF |
10549150 | DanioVison Observation System |
10549151 | QX200 Droplet Generator |
10549152 | MicroNIR Wireless Spectrometer |
10549153 | Crystal16 V3 system |
10549157 | THz Harmonic Mixer |
10549163 | 3-axis grad. amp. system, Copley 266, CE |
10549164 | QX200 Droplet Generator |
10549165 | Western blot and gel imaging system |
10549167 | Media Preparator |
10549168 | 350 kn Hydraulic Actuators |
10549169 | Precision Sectioning Machine |
10549170 | Real Time Oscilloscope |
10549171 | Ultrasound System |
10549173 | FNIRS System |
10549174 | 2D Transducer Array |
10549175 | Agilent Intuvo 9000 GC System |
10549177 | High-speed CRS microscope |
10549178 | ZetaPotential and NTA |
10549179 | CF1 Cell Disruptor |
10549181 | Bioreactor |
10549182 | ZetaPotential and NTA |
10549183 | Thermal Analyser - TGA4000 |
10549184 | Specialist gas lines for dry etch system |
10549186 | FTIR Gas analyser |
10549187 | Main Lab Perimeter Benching |
10549188 | PM GrindControl system |
10549189 | Portable Photosynthesis System |
10549190 | 3D Printer |
10549191 | Coagulation Analysis System(ROTEM) |
10549192 | FIB SEM Microscope |
10549193 | Benchtop NMR |
10549200 | EMG recording and analysis system |
10549201 | BOLDscreen 32 UHD system |
10549208 | Protein Purification System |
10549210 | Visual Display, driving sim |
10549211 | Dynamic Test Instrument |
10549212 | EMG recording and analysis system |
10549213 | Air compressor |
10549214 | Air compressor |
10549217 | Laser Scanner Focus Premium |
10549221 | Liquid Handling System |
10549222 | robot autonomy system |
10549223 | Photobioreactor tanks |
10549224 | Hybrid Engineering Lab |
10549228 | Thermal conductivity unit |
10549229 | KLA NanoFlip |
10549230 | Automated Sample Preparation Unit |
10549231 | Roll-to-Roll Tape Casting/Slot-die Syste |
10549232 | Moulding Injection System |
10994500 | Aerosol Generation and Characterisation |
10994503 | Portable Metabolic Analysis with ECG |
10994505 | Scanning Electron Microscope |
10994506 | Geothermal Testing Facility |
10994508 | Centrifuge |
10994509 | Centrifuge |
10994510 | Centrifuge |
10994511 | Centrifuge |
10994513 | Dentist Chair |
10994514 | Dentist Chair |
10994515 | Dentist Chair |
10994516 | Dentist Chair |
10994517 | Light cycler |
10994518 | Light cycler |
10994523 | Ultrafiltration Crossflow System |
10994529 | FTIR Accessories for Bruker FTIR |
10994531 | Non-Magnetic MRI Monitor |
10994532 | Molecular size and Fluorescence Analyser |
10994533 | UHPLC with Vialsampler |
10994534 | Helium Recovery Plant/Liquefier |
10994535 | Tornado Compressor (BRAGG Helium Recover |
10994536 | Chewing Simulator |
10994537 | 10,000L Nitrogen Vessel |
10994538 | Temperature Monitor for MBE and Vacuum C |
10994539 | Powerlite 8010 Laser |
10994540 | Powerlite 8010 Laser |
10994541 | Photolysis Laser |
10994542 | PP3010T CRYO-SEM System |
10994543 | Harmonic mixer |
10994545 | 6 station knee simulator |
10994547 | TQ ICP-MS |
10994558 | Motion System Refurbishment |
10994566 | Particle Size Analyser |
10994567 | POWEREDGE T560 SERVER |