Dicing Saw


Wafer saw cut semiconductor wafer into small die using mechanical dicing saw. The Loadpoint MicroAce 66 wafer saw is a 150mm capable dicing saw with Off-chuck contact height sensing, which allow use of conductive and non-conductive blades. It has a built in PC control with flexible programming for automatic and safe dicing. It has a high resolution camera and display for inspection and alignment. It can cut thick material down to 10 mm with depth cutting resolution of 0.01 micron, and edge cut resolution better that 5 microns. Materials that can be diced include Si, GaAs, ceramic, glass, quartz, PCB, PZT, Cu, Tungsten carbide, stainless steel, lithiumniobate etc.


Manufacturer LOADPOINT
Model No. MICROACE 66
Serial No. 14855
Location Packaging/Dirty Process (Bragg Centre) [1-086-0060-00MB-26A]
Identifier 10101390
Organisation: School of Electronic & Electrical Eng [50000070]
Owner Edmund Linfield
Contact Christopher Wood
Category / Taxonomy Process Equipment - Physical > Packaging > Dicing