Cryotransfer holder with pump


The CT3500 and 626 Single Tilt Liquid Nitrogen Cryo Transfer Holder is designed for low temperature transfer and subsequent recording of electron beam sensitive, frozen hydrated specimens in the TEM. The 914 High Tilt(+70 ~ -70 degrees) Liquid Nitrogen Cryo Transfer Tomography Holder is designed for low temperature transfer and subsequent tomographic recording of electron beam sensitive, frozen hydrated specimens in the TEM. The 655 Turbo Pumping Station is a completely self-contained designed for safely and efficiently refreshing the vacuum conditions of dewars on Gatan cryo specimen holders and is also used for other TEM applications.


Manufacturer GATAN
Model No. CT3500
Serial No. 431/432
Location Shared academic and PIXC/EM research fac [1-086-0053-05FL-41]
Identifier 10099934
Organisation: School of Molecular and Cellular Biology [50025930]
Owner Louie Aspinall
Contact Martin Fuller
Category / Taxonomy Materials Characterisation > Electron/Ion Microscopy > Sample Manipulation (Genus)