Ion Mobility time of flight mass spec


The Synapt HDMS (Waters) system is a quadrupole orthogonal time of flight mass spectrometer and also has a travelling wave ion mobility spectrometrydevice. The quadrupole has a mass range up to m/z 32 000 to enable MS/MS analysis of macromolecular biomolecules and non-covalent complexes. It has a NanoMate Triversa (Advion Biosciences) automated injection system and nanoESI interface.


Manufacturer WATERS
Model No. SYNAPT G1
Serial No. UAA033
Location Laboratory Mass Spec [1-086-0065-09FL-107]
Identifier 10073944
Organisation: School of Molecular and Cellular Biology [50025930]
Owner Sri Ranjani Ganji

Category / Taxonomy Materials Characterisation > Spectrometry > Mass Spectrometry