Microscope - Axio Imager Z1


This microscope has filter cubes for DAPI,FITC, Texas Red and CY5. The microscope has an Axiocam MRm (monochrome CCD) camera and the AxioVision software. The ApoTome is used for increasing axial resolution of fluorescence microscopy of thick specimens by structured illumination. The AxioVision software allows automatic collection of multi-channel Z-stack images.The microscope has a set of oil immersion objectives and dry lenses.


Manufacturer ZEISS
Model No.
Serial No. 351200054
Location Dark Room [1-090-0159-09FL-04H]
Identifier 10057333
Organisation: Inst of Cancer & Pathology (LICAP) [50150522]
Owner Mark Hull

Category / Taxonomy Materials Characterisation > Spectroscopy > Fluoresence (Spectroscopy)